ATTN: American Pit Bull owners.


I'm an original
12 Years
Jun 12, 2007
Tioga, Louisiana
I have had a passion for these dogs since I can remember...and I finally convinced mom to let me get one next year. I wanted to rescue one, but she said if I got one, I had to raise it from a puppy. Now, I've been around these dogs before, and they've stolen my heart. I hate all the bad hype that they get. Momma is scared to bits and pieces of these I'm looking for good stories, and pictures to try to make her understand they won't kill her when they see her. Any volunteers?
This is Cheyenne.


We got her as a 7 week old puppy from a couple living in a development down the road. They had a few pitts tied up outside and the neighbors lab got a little too close, leaving them with 9 puppies.
Cheyenne went everywhere with us. She absolutely loved car rides as a baby and would cuddle up in my lap while I drove. She never needed a leash, she was house broken from the time we got her (she'd sit by the door and cry to go out), she was friendly and loved people. We had her for years... then we had to move and couldn't take her with us. None of our relatives would watch her since she was half pitbull. We lost her to a shelter in 2006. We miss her terribly and when we relocated to a place that allowed dogs, we adopted our little rottweiler/lab mix. I love Zoey to death, but she is not Cheyenne. My love for that dog makes me search Petfinder 3 times a week in hopes that I will find her in a shelter close by. I know the odds are slim, but I can't help but try. She was our first baby. And such a lovable one she was.
In the photo, she's with one of her pups. Our inlaws Chow/Shephard was a sneaky devil.

Good luck with finding a puppy that you'll love and hopefully you'll be able to give it a forever home. I wish more than anything that I could have my baby back
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Then don't reply if you don't have positive feedback. I specified "good stories" in my original post. Do not want, or need negative feedback, so please refrain from posting it here. Thanks.
I showed this to my family. Also, every human can kill, it doesn't mean we all will. Teach it right from wrong just like everything else.

DO NOT post in this thread if you don't have positive feedback. I've heard enough of the negative crud ever since I can remember, so the people giving the negative feedback, save it, don't waste your time, heard it, heard it again, argued it because it's not always true.

[edit: removed part of the post that no longer applied.]
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