Attn: People who have expressed interest in my Speckled Sussex eggs

Well yea the cockfighting thing I would be afraid of. I think my best-friends dad might do it he has these extremely large oriental lookin roosters he keeps all separated and his friends come over on weekends and u can hear the chickens at our house making a ton of noise, but I don't know what to do she is my best friend and her dad is super nice I don't see why he would do it and I don't want to get them in trouble. Ive been debating it in my head for awhile to call them in or not.

That's a tough one. I would do nothing unless you actually whitness it and then only
talk to your father. Even an innocent comment can start rumors.

We are going to Buster's house this weekend. It's Buster vs Mack. Should be a good show.
Well yea the cockfighting thing I would be afraid of. I think my best-friends dad might do it he has these extremely large oriental lookin roosters he keeps all separated and his friends come over on weekends and u can hear the chickens at our house making a ton of noise, but I don't know what to do she is my best friend and her dad is super nice I don't see why he would do it and I don't want to get them in trouble. Ive been debating it in my head for awhile to call them in or not.

That's a tough one. I would do nothing unless you actually whitness it and then only
talk to your father. Even an innocent comment can start rumors.

We are going to Buster's house this weekend. It's Buster vs Mack. Should be a good show.

Yea prob is my dad would easily call on them he doesn't like my friends 'they have a barking dog that he absolutly loathes'. I came over to their house once and 2 roosters had gotten together somehow and the bigger one completly scalped the other blood all over the chicken coop, and I took my 1 week old bantam chicks over to their house to show the friend who lives their the first that comes out of their 6 yr old boy's mouth is "They gona fight?"
Not necessarily, I helped PC process meat birds before, and it doesn't bother me at all. We are also raising some of our own. I'm a meat eater. And I'd rather eat my own meat that I raised and knows where it comes from then the stuff in the store that is jacked up with hormones and chemicals. If we had more room I'm sure eventually we'd even process our own beef and pork. Just a different way of living
Not necessarily, I helped PC process meat birds before, and it doesn't bother me at all. We are also raising some of our own. I'm a meat eater. And I'd rather eat my own meat that I raised and knows where it comes from then the stuff in the store that is jacked up with hormones and chemicals. If we had more room I'm sure eventually we'd even process our own beef and pork. Just a different way of living

Not to be rude I would just not rather eat it at all that way I don't hurt an animal and I don't get all those hormones and things, and after I saw this site I didn't want to eat chicken anymore anyway it was disturbing.
So is that the plan for tomorrow? Come pick me and Tulani up and then we're heading to Busters? Since it's legal in Busters state will Tulani and Drum be getting married too?

Not necessarily, I helped PC process meat birds before, and it doesn't bother me at all. We are also raising some of our own. I'm a meat eater. And I'd rather eat my own meat that I raised and knows where it comes from then the stuff in the store that is jacked up with hormones and chemicals. If we had more room I'm sure eventually we'd even process our own beef and pork. Just a different way of living

Not to be rude I would just not rather eat it at all that way I don't hurt an animal and I don't get all those hormones and things, and after I saw this site I didn't want to eat chicken anymore anyway it was disturbing.

Oh yeah I totally understand. I'd rather became a vegetarian then eat the stuff in the store. That's a very hard decision you made, but probably better in the long run.
Emzyy- You may find it interesting that my wife helps with the culling of our birds. In fact, she's done some by herself while I was out of town and cooked them up for when I got back. My birds do not have additional hormones in them- I know this because it's one of the advantages of raising your own birds- you know everything that goes into them because you control their environment. I know my birds are raised healthy and happy.

Please refrain from talking about specifics on cockfighting on this thread. It is against the rules and I do not want this thread locked.

PC and PP, we will be culling Mack in a week or two. We would like to get another dozen eggs to incubate out of him and a couple of other people have also expressed interest in getting some before we eat him. I'll let you know and you guys can have a road trip.
LOL! I agree, the safety of your kids is first. Plus I really think that when breeding, that attitude needs to be taken into consideration.
I do NOT see how people can do that?! Like see something alive and then just kill it and eat it?! I can't even eat em when I didn't see em alive. Lol it befounds me.

It is much easier to eat a mean one than a nice one!

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