ATTN: Yokohama Lovers!

As far as mine go; I'm sure there are differences between breeders but my white phoenix are bantam so the Yokes are bigger. Temperament wise they are about the same. My Yokohama chicks are more fragile than the phoenix growing up but both do fine through the winter. The phoenix have a single comb so they have more problems with frost bite but other than that they are fine. Hope that helps!
I am not breeding, but wanted to share pictures of the two yokohama pullets we got from Ideal for our kids 4H.
I am planning on keeping just one of them permanently because of the low egg production, but they are sure pretty birds :)

New from the hatchery!

2 weeks old

5 1/2 weeks

9 weeks

11 weeks

Thanks so much for posting these pics of the young Yokohama. I have a 2 week old from Ideal who looks like yours and kept thinking they had sent me the wrong breed. Now that I have seen the stages of maturity I can tell that I do indeed have a RE Yokohama and am relieved!
Here's one of my best 2012 hatch cockerels that is still in blood feather so his tail and saddles should still progress in length. Photos taken yesterday.

So beautiful! I have been so tempted to get a fancy long-tailed roo just for the sheer beauty of them, but our weather and ground conditions wouldn't permit one to grow very long tail feathers I do not think. It gets VERY muddy in the spring and fall and VERY dry in the summer.. and LOTS of snow in the winter LOL.
Thank you for the comments - always appreciated.

Here are some photos of a different and older Yokohama here. I asked Marc King about this bird and he tells me that the white Minohiki and the white Yokohama are almost identical except for the preferred comb type. He, in fact, started his King-Line Minohiki breeding using high quality Yokohamas.

These photos show the comb which is much like a chalice comb - that preferred on Minohiki birds. Since this might not occur that often, I thought I'd share these pics. It may well be a throw back to the ancestry and past breedings of the Yokohama.

Thanks so much for posting these pics of the young Yokohama.  I have a 2 week old from Ideal who looks like yours and kept thinking they had sent me the wrong breed.  Now that I have seen the stages of maturity I can tell that I do indeed have a RE Yokohama and am relieved!

I have ideals RS Yokohamas, dont expect the tail lengths they say they will achieve.... you will be lucky if they do... and if they do i will be JEALOUS!!!
i just hatched a chick from my pair only one out of 6 eggs i set.... still tryin....!

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