ATTN: Yokohama Lovers!

I am trying to wrap my head around the faverolles breeding to match up the hens (darker or lighter) to which roo... I think its like, if you do a darker hen to a roo, you'll get richer roos... Oh, the fun... LOL.
I know... I have a weird collection of birds here... The yokos, phoenix, faverolles, seremas, jap bants, marans, silkies (the phoenix HATE my silkie roo), and then of course the odd ball mutts. I only breed for pure in the spring, then mutts later. The mutts are just for dinner (the boys), the pullets for egg replacement when the old biddies go on hiatus.
Sure. ALL THOUGH!! Here is my serema roo...



The hen is a black smooth feathered. AND SUPER BROODY!
Ok I think it was sir birdoholic or someone else on here that stated that having black in the tail is a sign of a good RS Yokohama. How true is that statement? I like the look of it but is that true? Just been wondering that for a while now...
it is true but probably not in the way you would imagine. the black in the tail is to show that good colored pullets will come from because the black will create the prefered dark mahogany red.
He really is small! BUT, I feed Blue Seal finisher. Prior to that it was Sunfresh finisher. I switched to the more natural feed, and my birds really took to it, and will turn their beaks up at other feed now. LOL. The pullet, she's tiny too. Give me a minute and I'll get a pic of them on the roost next to some of the other birds...
how much do they weigh because a yokohama is quite small compared to other breeds and from my experience slow maturing

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