Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

Are there laws against roosters?
I know Ben has laws against them where he is and yet he has 14 right

I will keep listening.
EGGS EGGS EGGS!!!!!!!!!!!!
cough cough...we have the same rules but I know 'someone' on 858sm urban block with plenty more than 6, and some are definitely roosters lol.

Saying that, we have 3 less as of this afternoon and I am going to advertise the pullets I have been holding for a family that have not got back to me. Too many mouths to feed at the moment.
cough cough...we have the same rules but I know 'someone' on 858sm urban block with plenty more than 6, and some are definitely roosters lol.

Saying that, we have 3 less as of this afternoon and I am going to advertise the pullets I have been holding for a family that have not got back to me. Too many mouths to feed at the moment.
Tee hee Ben!

Sadly, the back and one side fence are low and wire so they can been seen through very easily; I think someone would notice pretty quickly if I pushed my luck!
So, anyway, if these two do turn out to be roosters that is it for me for hatching, it is going to be heart wrenching to have to part with them.
If my worse fears come true I am going to be buying 2 x proven Silkie hens!!
Okey doke; got some closer-up piccies; are these any good for 'Guesses' at gender? They are 13 weeks and 4 days old today ..... Sorry for the dirty faces, they have been chomping into watermelon! lol Chick B Chick A Chick A Chick A Chick A Chick B Chick B Chick B
I would say chick A is a roo. It's all made a little more difficult by the straight comb, but if think I see streamers there. Sorry, hope I'm wrong.
I would say chick A is a roo. It's all made a little more difficult by the straight comb, but if think I see streamers there. Sorry, hope I'm wrong.
Thank you for you thoughts Fancychooklady :)
Probably not what I wanted to hear but as I said, even though it is going to be even harder if I do have to part with one/both, I am going to hang in there and wait for the egg or crow.
I will keep you updated of any event :)
Thank you for you thoughts Fancychooklady :)
Probably not what I wanted to hear but as I said, even though it is going to be even harder if I do have to part with one/both, I am going to hang in there and wait for the egg or crow.
I will keep you updated of any event :)

I know where you are coming from. On the bright side I have a little roo that didn't crow till it was almost 8 months old. I have a little guy out on the verandah , I call him screecher , you can guess what sound he makes. He sleeps with the dogs and stands behind them in the AM screeching away. I swear I saw Elsa the ridgeback , roll her eyes.
. Anyway they are all different , some more annoying than others and some are late bloomers.
As you say , wait for the egg or crow and deal with it then.
I know where you are coming from. On the bright side I have a little roo that didn't crow till it was almost 8 months old. I have a little guy out on the verandah , I call him screecher , you can guess what sound he makes. He sleeps with the dogs and stands behind them in the AM screeching away. I swear I saw Elsa the ridgeback , roll her eyes.
. Anyway they are all different , some more annoying than others and some are late bloomers.
As you say , wait for the egg or crow and deal with it then.
*Sigh* yeah, I guess if Suzi is a Rooster I will still get to enjoy her wonderful company for a few more months yet; I haven't totally given up hope :-D
Sorry to press you but you didn't mention Chick B (Tina) .. I would really appreciate your thoughts there also?

Tee hee @ Elsa :)

On a happier note, I have a heap of tadpoles now and they are getting fat little bodies! lol :)
*Sigh* yeah, I guess if Suzi is a Rooster I will still get to enjoy her wonderful company for a few more months yet; I haven't totally given up hope :-D
Sorry to press you but you didn't mention Chick B (Tina) .. I would really appreciate your thoughts there also?

Tee hee @ Elsa :)

On a happier note, I have a heap of tadpoles now and they are getting fat little bodies! lol :)

Too right, anything can happen. Silkies really are difficult to sex. Chick B looks more pulletish , with a rounder crown and smaller waddles. Pics can be deceiving
You should be able to see differences starting to appear if there are any.
We have frogs in our fountain, I rarely see them but I hear them on warm nights like tonight. Unfortunately they are known to attract snakes into the yard and we saw our first snake last week. Makes me a little nervous after Sydney 's encounter with the python.

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