Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

Hi guy, sorry I don't have much time to catch up, if I miss anything let me know... My golden pheasant Inigo has been moulting his beautiful feathers and his new ones coming through make him look ridiculous!

Mine just hatched 2 on Tuesday, and still sitting on one. Lots of panting. All I've been doing is making sure there is cool water in the nesting box and going down and giving her cold grapes and watermelon. I'll give this last one another day, but pretty sure it's not going to hatch.
So 1 of my girls is being a real bully this afternoon.. She was chasing my australorp and trying to pull her comb and the other bits off! She had them in her mouth and pulling while the other was screeching! I'm very worried that she will be hurt! :( How can I stop this?
So 1 of my girls is being a real bully this afternoon.. She was chasing my australorp and trying to pull her comb and the other bits off! She had them in her mouth and pulling while the other was screeching! I'm very worried that she will be hurt!
How can I stop this?

Keep and eye on the situation and if that bully persists you can separate her for about 4-6 days and when she returns she will essentially be 'new' to flock, therefore a lower flock member and stop bullying the others.
Keep and eye on the situation and if that bully persists you can separate her for about 4-6 days and when she returns she will essentially be 'new' to flock, therefore a lower flock member and stop bullying the others.

Thanks! I will have to monitor it! They are all sleeping together now in the coop.. Hopefully it doesn't continue in the morning.. It's super hard to isolate them at my place! So hopefully they sort it out!

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