Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

Know how you feels about your son. I had the same with my now 17 year old when he was 2. Horrid to do but in my sons case worth it in the end. (He didn't have to be held down but still not fun)He used to stop breathing from snoring when he was young. The tonsils and adenoids out has stopped that. Hope your son has a speedy recovery.

Pretty much what we went through. He would stop breathing, really bad snoring, always had bags under his eye. We got pushed around specialists to begin with but eventually found a doc that could help us out through the children's hospital. Had to wait 3 months but that was a small price to pay.

We hope it fixes the same problems, and allows him to eat better too.
You won't get much for $20 but maybe some leg bands for upcoming hatches and some fancy water cup drinkers.

I had my tonsils removed when I was 4 , I still remember how frightened I was when they put the gas mask on me.
When our daughter was 4 she fell off Rosie, or should I say rolled of Rosie . Dad didn't do the girth up . She dislocated her arm and had to go under general anesthetic so they could pop it back in. My husband insisted on going into theatre with her, scary ! Needless to say I doubled checked every girth from that day on.
Good idea with the bands, I will have to head over and check it out.

I would have been happy to be in theater, but they would not allow it. I have seen some pretty gruesome stuff and never been affected by it, guess it was different being my little boy.

Congrats on the comp Ben, you are a very clever cookie
I just had my son sick in emergency twice in the past 3 weeks... I feel your pain. Hope he had a speedy recovery

Thanks very much ladies. He is bouncing back just fine, just have to keep up the pain meds and normal eating. watch for infection or bleeding. He is loving all teh attention hahaha
Hi all... Any ideas.... Sex and Breed?

I got this one recently... Was told she is a she, about 5mths old and a penciled Sussex??? Any ideas? To me she' is looking and behaving like a 'he' (a bit aggressive!)!! I would like to know what breed and opinions on boy or girl. Thanks in advance







Sorry never heard of a pencilled sussex, but it could be X Wyandotte . I tried to enlarge so I could see the comb but it's too blurry . Does look like a roo.
Hi all... Any ideas.... Sex and Breed?

I got this one recently... Was told she is a she, about 5mths old and a penciled Sussex??? Any ideas? To me she' is looking and behaving like a 'he' (a bit aggressive!)!! I would like to know what breed and opinions on boy or girl. Thanks in advance

Looks like a Silver Laced Wyandotte crossed with something. Probably a rooster.
I have a silver pencilled wyandotte. Looks like it has a single comb and also could be younger than 5.5 months.

Hard to see, but does look like some early saddle feathers coming through and very red faced so I am thinking a mixed breed male too.

She was molting here but you get the idea.

I would think yours could be a sIlver laced cross given the size of the pattern. Did it come from a reliable friend, or is it possible it was an unknown less scrupulous seller?

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