Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

Pretty much what we went through. He would stop breathing, really bad snoring, always had bags under his eye. We got pushed around specialists to begin with but eventually found a doc that could help us out through the children's hospital. Had to wait 3 months but that was a small price to pay.

We hope it fixes the same problems, and allows him to eat better too.
Good idea with the bands, I will have to head over and check it out.

I would have been happy to be in theater, but they would not allow it. I have seen some pretty gruesome stuff and never been affected by it, guess it was different being my little boy.

Thanks very much ladies. He is bouncing back just fine, just have to keep up the pain meds and normal eating. watch for infection or bleeding. He is loving all teh attention hahaha

You were lucky indeed ben. We had to pay to have my sons done as the waiting list was 3 years in qld at the time.. Think we got in in two months by paying for the whole thing out of pocket but it was worth every cent indeed.
I have a silver pencilled wyandotte. Looks like it has a single comb and also could be younger than 5.5 months. Hard to see, but does look like some early saddle feathers coming through and very red faced so I am thinking a mixed breed male too. She was molting here but you get the idea. I would think yours could be a sIlver laced cross given the size of the pattern. Did it come from a reliable friend, or is it possible it was an unknown less scrupulous seller?
We were given the out of pocket price to start with and we simply could not afford that much. The first surgeon only worked in a private hospital and the bed for the day alone was $1800, the anesthetist was $2100 and the surgeon was the cheapest part at $1650. All for a little boy's one night stay, with no food and half an hour on the table.

They also booked us in (without us knowing these costs) four days before christmas. We had to cancel, get another referral and find another surgeon. We found a great one that worked one day a week in the public hospital. We THEN found out there is a grading system and he should have been on a Cat 2 waitlist of 1-3 months. We had video of him sleeping, xrays of his rib cage (which was deforming around his diaphragm) to help support our case. We also found he was anemic which the doc says was probably caused his eating habits, which were sparse with such a small area to get food past.

When the surgical assistant came out to tell us how it went I thought there was something wrong as he had a funny look on his face, he went on to say that they were some of the biggest tonsils he as removed, "they were some monsters!"

He really needed this, and if I had the money I would have paid upfront straight away. It pays to talk to people though about this stuff as we had to dig to find the right doctors to help us, most doctors simply said "pay up front or go on the public wait list of 12-14 months", they never told us about the grading system.

All fixed now though, sorry to bang on about it. We do own chickens too hahahaha, our FWM and Welsummer are so close to laying!
I'm glad it all worked out in the end Ben. There is nothing more frightening than having an ill child! Hopefully I'll never need to look into the grading system for wait lists but it's good to know that it exists.
Marrie the Maran and Summer the Welsummer. 22 Weeks.



Any day now, our hopeful olive eager and Salmon fav are still a way off though.
We were given the out of pocket price to start with and we simply could not afford that much. The first surgeon only worked in a private hospital and the bed for the day alone was $1800, the anesthetist was $2100 and the surgeon was the cheapest part at $1650. All for a little boy's one night stay, with no food and half an hour on the table.

They also booked us in (without us knowing these costs) four days before christmas. We had to cancel, get another referral and find another surgeon. We found a great one that worked one day a week in the public hospital. We THEN found out there is a grading system and he should have been on a Cat 2 waitlist of 1-3 months. We had video of him sleeping, xrays of his rib cage (which was deforming around his diaphragm) to help support our case. We also found he was anemic which the doc says was probably caused his eating habits, which were sparse with such a small area to get food past.

When the surgical assistant came out to tell us how it went I thought there was something wrong as he had a funny look on his face, he went on to say that they were some of the biggest tonsils he as removed, "they were some monsters!"

He really needed this, and if I had the money I would have paid upfront straight away. It pays to talk to people though about this stuff as we had to dig to find the right doctors to help us, most doctors simply said "pay up front or go on the public wait list of 12-14 months", they never told us about the grading system.

All fixed now though, sorry to bang on about it. We do own chickens too hahahaha, our FWM and Welsummer are so close to laying!

So glad you were able to find a great surgeon. My son had huge adnoids apparantly. I can't remember what we paid now but 15 years ago it was not that much for sure but i do remember the cost of the bed was really dear and it was in a public hospital too.
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I like your wellie!

how are your Wellies going?

Sold them all Luke except for two I kept as just pets. My roosters died earlier in the year in the heat and I decided to concentrate on marans so the wellies bar two have all gone to new homes. Most were bought by a breeder who is wanting to create his own welbars :)
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Bens I hear you too. I have had to hold down ( now 6yo) 4 times. And the now 9yo once. The paediatric doctor told me I was a first time mum and nothing was wrong with my 12 mth old. I told him I was a country girl and babies are not new to me and something was wrong. You don't have to shake a child to make them breathe. And took him to my gp who sent my to ent and I was so relieved when he said don't say anything let me look him over. After that he told me everything that had been going on. I cried in relief that we could fix it ! He hasn't looked back. The "head paediatrics Doctor was removed from paediatrics so I was happy in the end. Then my second son wasn't so simple. His adenoids keep growing back. Oi but the surgery is worth it In the long run
@satay here are some pics for you of the girl I kept...

Maran girl (yet to be named) and sneaky photo hog "Zombie"

Some of the flock thinking the Barnevelder "Maxma" is their Mum

Maran girl

This white and mottle brown I hope nay Pray
is a hen so I can keep 'her'

This Araucana had rusty brown colour all over and now only on its head

I think Zombie may be a boy But I hope not too many are

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