Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

My three young White Leghorn roosters started crowing today

ALL three of them. It was a chorus of screeching, strangled rooster like sounds
Hi Ladys and Gents

Sorry havnt been on much due to a death in the family then one in the chick family

I am sorry to those who lost chicks ... .... .... And LOVE the pics of babies !

But that behind us id like to know what you think of my Aras ? Roo / Hen





Sorry about the bad pics I will try get better ones soon .....

Thanks all
Fancychooklady I was thinking cocci but she never passed bloody poo. But I am going to have to treat the others for it just in case. Just happy the others still looking good and are happy.

Glad he came back satay :)
Fancychooklady I was thinking cocci but she never passed bloody poo. But I am going to have to treat the others for it just in case. Just happy the others still looking good and are happy.

Glad he came back satay :)

The most common misconception about cocci is the presence of blood in the droppings. You won't always see blood.
Hi Ladys and Gents

Sorry havnt been on much due to a death in the family then one in the chick family

I am sorry to those who lost chicks ... .... .... And LOVE the pics of babies !

But that behind us id like to know what you think of my Aras ? Roo / Hen





Sorry about the bad pics I will try get better ones soon .....

Thanks all
Very sorry for your losses.

Those Ara picture are way to hard to tell sorry. All the heads are
Hi Ladys and Gents Sorry havnt been on much due to a death in the family then one in the chick family :hit I am sorry to those who lost chicks ... .... .... And LOVE the pics of babies ! But that behind us id like to know what you think of my Aras ? Roo / Hen HEN ROO'S (BOTH ARE VERY RED) HEN ROO'S ? Sorry about the bad pics I will try get better ones soon ..... Thanks all
I agree with all your guesses except the bottom two pics.. Look henish to me but a little hard to tell for sure.
A weird thinking out loud question here. I was wondering others opinions on whether a rooster could kill a chicken... I went out yesterday afternoon as I heard one of the D'Uccles screaming. My 3/4 grown frizzle cross Aussie rooster had it by the neck and was tossing it about quite violently. Now the two that died the other day only had a visible mark to the side of their necks. I would not have thought this possible if I had not seen it for myself. Maybe it is just a coincidence but a strange one if it is. MY rooster will now be off to freezer camp on the weekend.
A weird thinking out loud question here. I was wondering others opinions on whether a rooster could kill a chicken... I went out yesterday afternoon as I heard one of the D'Uccles screaming. My 3/4 grown frizzle cross Aussie rooster had it by the neck and was tossing it about quite violently. Now the two that died the other day only had a visible mark to the side of their necks. I would not have thought this possible if I had not seen it for myself. Maybe it is just a coincidence but a strange one if it is. MY rooster will now be off to freezer camp on the weekend.

I have had roosters nearly fight to the death and there is generally a lot of blood. Anything is possible.

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