Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

Jellyballoo :frow  Hello and welcome; North Brisbane here also.  Gorgeous gals you have there.

Wow satay 11 pips no one out yet! Gees! :/

appps ooooh a pink chicken; I would like one of those ;)

Fancy that is a great pic of the moon; sadly it was too cloudy here for us to enjoy it.

Blondie is stuck fast on that nest but she did stretch her neck a little for some meal worms!

I got a quick glimpse of a little black and yellow bubby and hubby reckons he saw a black one but that was it for today.  I was talking to Blondie really nicely and asking her if she would like me to take the empty shells away but she was not having a bar of that!

Maybe tomorrow we will know more :idunno

Her bark is probably worse than her bite. I remove all spent shells because I once lost a chick when it's egg was encased by an empty one. Poor little bugger managed to pip it's own shell only to find another.
Oooh Fancy I didn't think of that!!

I removed Cilla's and Tina's straight away without a problem but Blondie is a different story.

Now you have me thinking ... do you reckon it may be worth ducking out with the torch and removing them?
Hey vehve when I mentioned the timing was just not right for you, I meant for having chicks. I saw on one of the other threads that Karin was poised with eggs and your concerns about the colder weather, accommodation etc.

It sure is a battle to accommodate all these broodies and chicks and I could not imagine trying to do it with snow in the mix!
I know, I just interpreted it in my favor

I'm looking forward to some snow pics from you Vehve. Particularly when it get so hot & humid here it feels like being slowly steamed. I may have to camp on Fancy's lawn with the chooks to cool down.
Last year we got our first snow about a week from now. It didn't stay for very long though, and last year we had very little snow compared to earlier years - the plow truck only had to do our drive once. We didn't live here the year before that, but I think the neighbor said the plow truck came about 30 times the previous year. We should be dipping into minus degrees in a few days, but only for the night and the two week prognosis says it's going to warm up again after that. So I don't know what kind of winter it's going to be, this weather is really freaky. This summer we had a month of +30, which is pretty unusual too. And our tomatoes are still ripening outside. But I'll be sure to post some pics once we do get some snow.

The egg production is slowly coming back online again, one more rejoined the layers today, as Töyhtis had left a pale green egg in the nest in the morning, after a month-long hiatus.

Emma has also started to get a bit more brown in her eggs, so our colors are starting to be a bit more varied again. Now if only Wilma would start laying again so that we get some chocolate eggs too. That will take some time though, as yesterday was her first day off the nest, after a month of trying to be broody.
If she still has more to hatch I would, just to be safe.

Thanks for that Fancy as I said, that possibility had not crossed my mind .. anyways, not an issue now as they have been removed and while I felt sort of guilty disturbing her and the little ones at night, I did get a sneak peak at the two littlies .. soooo cute!

She has 3 more eggs and I could not see any pips but technically not due until Thursday. I did not hang around long; made sure she was comfortable and the bubs were tucked under her and warm and then left them to sleep. I did, however, cop a couple of nips for my trouble
I know, I just interpreted it in my favor

Last year we got our first snow about a week from now. It didn't stay for very long though, and last year we had very little snow compared to earlier years - the plow truck only had to do our drive once. We didn't live here the year before that, but I think the neighbor said the plow truck came about 30 times the previous year. We should be dipping into minus degrees in a few days, but only for the night and the two week prognosis says it's going to warm up again after that. So I don't know what kind of winter it's going to be, this weather is really freaky. This summer we had a month of +30, which is pretty unusual too. And our tomatoes are still ripening outside. But I'll be sure to post some pics once we do get some snow.

The egg production is slowly coming back online again, one more rejoined the layers today, as Töyhtis had left a pale green egg in the nest in the morning, after a month-long hiatus.

Emma has also started to get a bit more brown in her eggs, so our colors are starting to be a bit more varied again. Now if only Wilma would start laying again so that we get some chocolate eggs too. That will take some time though, as yesterday was her first day off the nest, after a month of trying to be broody.

Ah, OK vehve understood

I, for one, would love some pictures of the snow when I am whinging and complaining about the heat. The weather at the moment is just beautiful; shame it will not stay this way.

Nice eggs! Not taking any pictures of my egg basket, there are only so many shades of dull and boring!

Today's haul was a whopping 1 egg! lol
Thanks for that Fancy as I said, that possibility had not crossed my mind .. anyways, not an issue now as they have been removed and while I felt sort of guilty disturbing her and the little ones at night, I did get a sneak peak at the two littlies .. soooo cute! :love

She has 3 more eggs and I could not see any pips but technically not due until Thursday.  I did not hang around long; made sure she was comfortable and the bubs were tucked under her and warm and then left them to sleep.  I did, however, cop a couple of nips for my trouble ;)

You know Teila, I've come to the conclusion that when it comes to animals and chickens , any thing is possible. I've seen a horse rubbing against a tree get it's tail caught in a break in the bark and rip it's tail off. One of our horses has come back from Victoria with six staples in his nose after piercing himself with a bridle rack. I came home one day to find a chick hanging upside down , almost dead after it got its leg caught in a slat chair. These things do happen and sometimes it's a matter of ' prevention is better than cure '. Glad your babies are safe and well. :)
Fancy maybe sometimes it is good to not know .. thinking of some of the things these critters of ours can get up to is enough to give us nightmares on a permanent basis!

Sadly, like most, I have lost a few pets in my time to old age or illness but luckily, never to an accident. I did, however, have the worse scare when my little Chimee was a kitten. I was making the bed and lifted the rather heavy mattress to tuck in the sheet. Just as I was about to drop it Chimee jumped under it. If I had of dropped it I would have crushed her! I felt ill for days and couldn't stop thinking of what could have happened. To this day, I never drop the mattress now and always slowly lower it! :)
Fancy maybe sometimes it is good to not know .. thinking of some of the things these critters of ours can get up to is enough to give us nightmares on a permanent basis!

Sadly, like most, I have lost a few pets in my time to old age or illness but luckily, never to an accident.  I did, however, have the worse scare when my little Chimee was a kitten.  I was making the bed and lifted the rather heavy mattress to tuck in the sheet.  Just as I was about to drop it Chimee jumped under it.  If I had of dropped it I would have crushed her!  I felt ill for days and couldn't stop thinking of what could have happened.  To this day, I never drop the mattress now and always slowly lower it! :)

Ah yes , I hear you , ignorance is bliss.

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