Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

I will catch up on everyone's news soon. In the meantime, while I am doing that, I have a question please?

Blondie was given 5 eggs on the same day (Thursday) but the first two hatched yesterday and as far as I could see earlier today, the other three have not hatched.

How long will I be OK to leave Blondie on the nest? As far as I know, the last drink she had was yesterday before lunch and I am pretty sure she has not moved since then. She will not accept water that I try and offer, even in a small container, as she thinks it is there to take her bubs!

Do you think she will move when the time is right or should I move her and check what is going on with the 3 remaining eggs?

Most of my hatches have all happened on the same day or over two days but within a 24 hour period. Not sure what to do if this stretches out longer than today?
Another question for you all.

There's a gentleman on a FB group who has made this statement ; "[COLOR=141823]Persons would sell more poultry if they had realistic prices ( just an observation)".[/COLOR]

What constitutes a realistic price in your opinion?

 - gorgeous babies :ya

The local boards here they seem to go for $5-$10. How much more realistic does he want lol

Mind you I did see a $50 rooster on one.
Okey doke … all caught up after my above question.

Interesting reading on the worming! Thank you :)

any chicks that I am rehoming, I don’t let them go until they are 5-6 weeks old. I also try very hard to leave at least one with mum until she cuts the cord. I am a bit of a softie and would feel bad taking them all off her before she was ready to move on. I understand that you need to move yours on before they start crowing but with my little ones, even the ones that were having a crow attempt, at that age and even a bit older, it was not too bad and I managed to rehome them before it would have been a problem for the neighbours.

Satay congratulations! Adorable!! Yep, the expression on that little chick’s face is priceless .. “are you gunna open this thing or what??!!”

Mermaidextra Hi and welcome

Wow Findtex that is a lot of chicks! Sorry to read about your losses but congrats on a good hatch.

vendetta I see that satay has answered your question and you also have moved the water closer to your broody.

I just wanted to add that it was quite hot here on one of Cilla’s hatches and I used to take her a little container of water 4-5 times/day and she would have a drink while on the nest. It was actually kind of nice; special moments that she and I shared. Cilla is one of those broodies who would starve to death on the nest and has to be moved off once a day.
Another question for you all.

There's a gentleman on a FB group who has made this statement ; "[COLOR=141823]Persons would sell more poultry if they had realistic prices ( just an observation)".[/COLOR]

What constitutes a realistic price in your opinion?

 - gorgeous babies :ya

I saw that too K. He complains all the time. I wouldn't bother with him. To me a chicken is worth whatever some one will pay for it.
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I will catch up on everyone's news soon.  In the meantime, while I am doing that, I have a question please?

Blondie was given 5 eggs on the same day (Thursday) but the first two hatched yesterday and as far as I could see earlier today, the other three have not hatched.

How long will I be OK to leave Blondie on the nest?  As far as I know, the last drink she had was yesterday before lunch and I am pretty sure she has not moved since then.  She will not accept water that I try and offer, even in a small container, as she thinks it is there to take her bubs!

Do you think she will move when the time is right or should I move her and check what is going on with the 3 remaining eggs?  

Most of my hatches have all happened on the same day or over two days but within a 24 hour period.  Not sure what to do if this stretches out longer than today?

I have found that broody mums know when nothing else is going ot hatch and up and leave the nest then.
Thank you satay :)

Do you think I should not be concerned about the two that hatched yesterday if she sticks it out until the actual due day (tomorrow)? I have read that they can survive 3-4 days on the yolk they absorbed.

Also, will Blondie be OK if I leave her until tomorrow, knowing that she has most likely not been off the nest since yesterday around lunch time?

Sorry for all the questions! Never had a hatch split like this.
Thank you satay :)

Do you think I should not be concerned about the two that hatched yesterday if she sticks it out until the actual due day (tomorrow)? I have read that they can survive 3-4 days on the yolk they absorbed.

Also, will Blondie be OK if I leave her until tomorrow, knowing that she has most likely not been off the nest since yesterday around lunch time?

Sorry for all the questions! Never had a hatch split like this.
With my first and second hatches, I had some late arrivals. Some hatched on day 21, a couple day 22 and the last ones day 23. I found that the hens didn't leave the nest until they were satisfied no more were going to hatch. The babies pretty much stayed under both hens during that time as well.
Thank you K Spot and satay

Sounds like I will be OK to leave her until tomorrow if she does not move this afternoon. Might try and get a peek at the remaining eggs, see if we have some pips etc.

I am a little concerned about Blondie and will have a go at giving her a drink and something to eat; if she will take it
Thank you K Spot and satay

Sounds like I will be OK to leave her until tomorrow if she does not move this afternoon.  Might try and get a peek at the remaining eggs, see if we have some pips etc.

I am a little concerned about Blondie and will have a go at giving her a drink and something to eat; if she will take it ;)

Just leave a shallow water dish with marbles in the bottom close by and I would put a dish of starter in with them. If the eggs are viable this will allow her to wait it out. If not she will eventually leave them for the sake of the hatchlings.
I always bring the newbies in to take pics on the first day and while I have them I teach them to drink, then I return to momma.
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