Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

AussieChics that would have been so cute to see!  I hope the cat's friends were not looking on, (s)he will never live that one down!

I thought I had better add something with regards to my earlier post and the water pistol as someone may be reading it and think "how cruel".

Just wanted to clarify that we are talking about a $4 water pistol with about as much punch as a spit.  The majority of the time it was shot in front of them to veer them off target (Blondie) and I would never do anything to hurt my gals!

My CTD ( chicken training device ) works for most unruly chickens. I leave it just inside the door , always at hand.
My CTD ( chicken training device ) works for most unruly chickens. I leave it just inside the door , always at hand.

Sweet! I was a bit concerned that someone would say "that's just mean" but I feel much better now and I was desperate! After weeks of wire separation and 5 days of continued Blondie bashing, within two hours, peace reigned.

I am still both surprised and thrilled about how well it worked and obviously no harm done because they still love me

As I mentioned, I still popped them in their separate corners for sleeping as I did not want to wake up to a bloodied Blondie but if this afternoon's free range goes well, I may just see if she wants to sleep with the others.

This morning she had broken out of the broody box again and was running up and down the outside of the run; she wanted to lay her egg in the main coop not the nest in the broody box. To be safe, I popped her in a closed off nest box and then put her back in the broody box once she laid.

Hopefully all this switching and swapping will not be required very soon :)
@SandeeC It's threatening rain but so far not much. We had a bit of a storm yesterday arvo but it mostly just passed us.I noticed things were looking heavy your way this morning. Here's hoping we don't get any bushfires from these storms. I heard something started up around Bogan Gate.

@IamSamSam Lemon tree planted this morning, I'll be sure to shape it over the next few years. Would you recommend feeding it Seasol/powerfeed?
@SandeeC It's threatening rain but so far not much. We had a bit of a storm yesterday arvo but it mostly just passed us.I noticed things were looking heavy your way this morning. Here's hoping we don't get any bushfires from these storms. I heard something started up around Bogan Gate.
Yeah Bogan Gate is still spreading as to what I hear :(
We had about 20 drops last night and again this morning. Nothing all day :(
Bad hey, pick up a ride on and the lawn is too dead to mow lol

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