Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

My CTD is a cheap one euro spray bottle meant for spraying plants from Ikea. But you can adjust it between mist and jet, so you get about 7-8 meters of range with it. Good for training roos. Plus you can hang it on your belt like a gun from the trigger, makes you feel like a cowboy when you do a quick draw.
Love that CTD Fancy - you don't mess around.
@Teila I've also used the hose, for early morning noise though. It was unsuccessful because they just moved inside the coop & screeched to be let out while watching me through the perspex windows I helpfully installed.

What the lack of rain didn't kill has been burnt to a crisp by our pool blanket. DH laid it out on the lawn, traced the shape onto the new one, cut it & moved it straight away & that was enough time to burn a large rectangle shape into the lawn. On the upside, we had a serious weed problem in our lawn (what's left of it) that the chickens have completely gotten rid of. Must have been a tasty weed.
My CTD is a cheap one euro spray bottle meant for spraying plants from Ikea. But you can adjust it between mist and jet, so you get about 7-8 meters of range with it. Good for training roos. Plus you can hang it on your belt like a gun from the trigger, makes you feel like a cowboy when you do a quick draw.

What do you stop your roos from doing? The hose is mine CTD
We had some issues with aggressive roos, they kept going after the neighbors kids, then their mother, and then my better half. With the CTD you could keep them in check while you were out there, but I opted for a more permanent solution using my trusty Fiskars garden shears. The kids just didn't grasp the concept of walking in a dominant manner.

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