Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

No shortage of eggs but there have been more feathers than usual lying around. All the same colour so far...rooster.

Thanks for all the bulb advice. I'm afraid we may have a couple days of "make do" but i really do want the best setup possible for them. Any and all advise is always appreciated!

Quick ques....what is the difference between straw and hay?
Anyone else on a shortage of eggs?
Also birds moulting?


Only one out of eight hens laying.

Four broody hens who are perpetually broody - I bust them, and then a week later they're back in the buster cage.

Coop and run look like a feather factory.

It's this heat I tell you! Too much! Turn it down!!!

- Krista
No shortage of eggs but there have been more feathers than usual lying around. All the same colour so far...rooster.

Thanks for all the bulb advice. I'm afraid we may have a couple days of "make do" but i really do want the best setup possible for them. Any and all advise is always appreciated!

Quick ques....what is the difference between straw and hay?

Hay is cut meadow grass, much softer than straw and breaks down faster in the garden. Downside is it will bring weeds if it is a bad cut. Straw is usually oat or barley stems. Much coarser. :)
Phew! That was some storm that went through my area last night. Brought down a tree branch that has destroyed the back third of our shed. Smashed the timber beams to oblivion. Heavy rain too so it will be flooded. Going out there soon to see what daylight has brought us.
There was a live Concert at Hanging Rock this would have blasted right through that as it hit just on dark. Band was The Eagles, hope they flew away before it hit.

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