Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

Check out the lovely girl we found in my parents backyard.

Hubby reakons I should have had something in the photo for scale but it was a decent size, let's just say they are known to eat small bats!

Mind you pretty as it was I think I'm kinda glad the egg sack will be hatching at their place not mine lol
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 Yup.  I got some Wyandotte babies which were listed as "point of lay" and were perhaps 8 weeks old.  Someone didn't understand what "point of lay" means.  Opinions seem to vary.  They're still tiny. XD  Beautiful though.

Congratulations Nu2chooks15!! Your first eggs are always so exciting!!

One of the babies failed to thrive and passed away last night. :(  The last one - named Pipper by a friend who is staying with us over the weekend - is very healthy and running around like a little psycho but is crying out for its nestmate.  :(  It seems to be calming down, though.  Finally eating and drinking well.  I had to reintroduce it to the feeder and waterer a few times before it got the hint.  

Otherwise I'm working on cross stitch and study today.  A nice, relaxed weekend at home. :D
Sorry for your loss. :(
Good morning folks

AussieChics you could order some online and posted? The enabler in me is try to help

I’ve had varied success with posted eggs; one hatch was only 2 from 5 but the eggs got held up in the Post Office (spent the weekend in the PO) and some were borderline on the 10 days; she only got 5 of them because others were over the 10 days by the time they got here. Blondie was hatched from shipped eggs and we got 5 from 8 on that occasion. In comparison I picked up the eggs for the current Nuggets locally and got 5 from 8.

There is a risk involved but if you are not paying a lot for them and are happy with just having a few hatch, it is one path to go down to keep a broody happy.

tandykins I am so sorry to read that one of your bubs did not make it

appps I’m with you! I am content just looking at her pretty picture and happy that she is living in someone else’s back garden.

A Tent Spider has set up camp in a corner of our garden and as she is out of the way with no risk of me walking into her web/nest, she can stay. It is pretty obvious why they are called Tent Spiders and she has survived multiple downpours.

I umm’d and aaaa’d last night whether to put the rain coats back on the runs in case of more rain and decided that the 10mins was worth it. So, of course, it didn’t rain

Today’s forecast is sunny, 30C and 0% chance of rain! Wooot wooot; lawns to mow and the opportunity to dry out some more
Can I please have your thoughts on how to deal with the floor/ ground in my chook run.

At this stage I have three modules 2.4m x 2.4m so the pen is 2.4 wide by 7.2 long.

The floor/ground was grass (briefly) it is now bare earth and dusty. My soil is sandy clay so the Gals get good dust baths but the resulting dust plays havoc with the water,feed etc. its messy.

I had thought to put down cane mulch, as I don't have horses now so grass and straw are things of the past (so sad, miss the fellas). My recent encounter with mites has made me do a bit of a rethink. I may be being over cautious so help/input please folks I need a bit of a push along with this one, I am a but stuck and need a push to get started to do SOMETHING!


Can I please have your thoughts on how to deal with the floor/ ground in my chook run.

At this stage I have three modules 2.4m x 2.4m so the pen is 2.4 wide by 7.2 long.

The floor/ground was grass (briefly) it is now bare earth and dusty. My soil is sandy clay so the Gals get good dust baths but the resulting dust plays havoc with the water,feed etc. its messy.

I had thought to put down cane mulch, as I don't have horses now so grass and straw are things of the past (so sad, miss the fellas). My recent encounter with mites has made me do a bit of a rethink. I may be being over cautious so help/input please folks I need a bit of a push along with this one, I am a but stuck and need a push to get started to do SOMETHING!


Mulch is good because it also contains eucalyptus and teatree oils which help repel insects
I use rice hulls also inside the houses - bought by the bale..

xxx M
Can I please have your thoughts on how to deal with the floor/ ground in my chook run.

At this stage I have three modules 2.4m x 2.4m so the pen is 2.4 wide by 7.2 long.

The floor/ground was grass (briefly) it is now bare earth and dusty. My soil is sandy clay so the Gals get good dust baths but the resulting dust plays havoc with the water,feed etc. its messy.

I had thought to put down cane mulch, as I don't have horses now so grass and straw are things of the past (so sad, miss the fellas). My recent encounter with mites has made me do a bit of a rethink. I may be being over cautious so help/input please folks I need a bit of a push along with this one, I am a but stuck and need a push to get started to do SOMETHING!


Grass and straw being a thing of the past isn't a bad thing. I wouldn't use them anyway. I put hay or straw, can't remember which now but it was something meant for the garden, in my run and I have never had so many flies. The run was full of them. Read somewhere that can cause fly problems and got rid of it and the flies moved on. They weren't a problem before and haven't been since.
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