Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

Bummer but we have all done it or something very similar. Clear nail polish is good to use as a sealer as well.
Yep, I've used nail polish as well to seal a crack on an egg. The chick hatched with no issue
I have two more hens sitting on nests they hid from me. I'm trying to cut down on mixed breeds but apparently the chickens have other plans lol
Need a little advice. I think my roo will have to go. I keep catching him shuffling behind me or blocking my path growling. When I go inside he follows me to the door and crows. I shouldn't really crow back should I?....just cant help myself. He almost attacked the poor postie yesterday. I'm a bit worried he's going to go one of the kids, even though he's never even looked at them. He's never outright attacked but I think its coming. I'm also making excuses a bit cos if I'm going to have a roo I'd much rather it be an australorp...i adore my one black chookie and I'd love to see her surrounded by fuzzy butts. Seems to make more sense to breed the chooks I like (that are actually worth something too) rather than push on with a crossbreed. Its a pity though I love the roo beast. We had a real bond once.
Need a little advice. I think my roo will have to go. I keep catching him shuffling behind me or blocking my path growling. When I go inside he follows me to the door and crows. I shouldn't really crow back should I?....just cant help myself. He almost attacked the poor postie yesterday. I'm a bit worried he's going to go one of the kids, even though he's never even looked at them. He's never outright attacked but I think its coming. I'm also making excuses a bit cos if I'm going to have a roo I'd much rather it be an australorp...i adore my one black chookie and I'd love to see her surrounded by fuzzy butts. Seems to make more sense to breed the chooks I like (that are actually worth something too) rather than push on with a crossbreed. Its a pity though I love the roo beast. We had a real bond once.

It is safer to get rid of the roo if he's attacking others, but you could try retraining him.
Get a supersoaker type water pistol and carry it primed whenever you're outside. If he starts blocking you , following or crowing at the door shoot him with it.
Will fix most Roos with a few days
Blood egg and meat spots are far more common than we are led to believe. In the commercial egg industry eggs are electronically candled to prevent them ever making it onto our supermarket shelves. They are apparently sold to bakeries where we are ' none the wiser ' .
I try to avoid adding moisture to food as it increases the likelihood of mould spores. Wet feed also provides a great environment for cocidia to ' go forth and multiply '.

And the revolting full of blood ones still slip through because I've had a few over the years from supermarket eggs.
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Need a little advice. I think my roo will have to go. I keep catching him shuffling behind me or blocking my path growling. When I go inside he follows me to the door and crows. I shouldn't really crow back should I?....just cant help myself. He almost attacked the poor postie yesterday. I'm a bit worried he's going to go one of the kids, even though he's never even looked at them. He's never outright attacked but I think its coming. I'm also making excuses a bit cos if I'm going to have a roo I'd much rather it be an australorp...i adore my one black chookie and I'd love to see her surrounded by fuzzy butts. Seems to make more sense to breed the chooks I like (that are actually worth something too) rather than push on with a crossbreed. Its a pity though I love the roo beast. We had a real bond once.

Don't take your eyes off him round the kids then, my sil still has a big scar on her leg where it was split open by a rooster when she was 3. They can do serious injuries to small kids.
*big sigh* yeah. I know. I didn't know roosters did passive aggressive but that's how its been...was just outside with my daughter, he didn't even look at her but there was lots of body language for me

Has he just come into maturity? If so it will get worse as he tries to take over from you as head chicken. Ours hated my youngest with a vengeance, it got to the stage if she even walked past the pen he would throw himself at the wire trying to get to her. I and hubby could mostly keep him at bay by catching and holding him backwards under an arm for a while every time he had a go at us but it was never ending. I watched him sneakily stalk my eldest one day when she was hanging out washing. Was a blessing in disguise when the neighbours complained about his crowing and he had to go.

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