Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

Hiya everyone!

Very sorry to hear about your losses @Fancychooklady and @satay . My condolences.

Congratulations on your sweet girl's first egg, @Teila . How very exciting. My pencilled plymouth rock bantam is now laying as well, although she thinks laying in the nest boxes is below her and chooses to lay in the run
I've only just got her and Casanova to use the roosting bars (they were parking their carcasses on the brooder pen of a night) so now I think I'll have to discourage her from thinking the whole run is her personal nest box.

My 5 babies are growing up well, all big and healthy; they are 3 weeks old
I am glad, however, that I only chose to hatch the 5 eggs. Whoopi is tiny and the 5 babies now barely fit under her of a night. She does her best to pancake over them, which is hilarious to watch
I do think though that they all have their favourite spots under her; 1 under either wing, 1 at the front, 1 at the back and 1 in the middle

I'll be heading to the Ekka on Friday to show my Dalmatian puppy, Yahtzee. So any Brisbanites who are coming that day, make sure you come and say hello!
Hey K Spot thank you for the congrats!

Good to hear that your bubs are doing well and I had a chuckle at your bantam PR thinking “the whole run is her personal nest box”.

Speaking of mother hens trying to keep bubs warm .. I have shared this before but it is still one of my favourite photos:

I am working today [Show Holiday]; my role as IT Triage is a key one and they preferred I took this Friday off in lieu of today as Friday's are always quieter .. no argument from me; I get a long weekend!!

We have lived in Brisbane for nearly 6 years now and as we have never been to the Ekka, when it as advertised during the week on television, I suggested to Hubby that we should go … this totally horrified look came over his face and he simply said “Are you insane?” lol
I am working today [Show Holiday]; my role as IT Triage is a key one and they preferred I took this Friday off in lieu of today as Friday's are always quieter .. no argument from me; I get a long weekend!!

We have lived in Brisbane for nearly 6 years now and as we have never been to the Ekka, when it as advertised during the week on television, I suggested to Hubby that we should go … this totally horrified look came over his face and he simply said “Are you insane?” lol
Hooray for long weekends - I too am taking my show holiday in lieu for Friday so I didn't have to take an annual leave day. Will be an early start for me that day. Aiming to get there at about 7.00am, then we can't leave til around 4.00pm so quite a long day, but I enjoy educating the public about Dalmatians and letting them pat the dogs.

I love the Ekka, but the crowds not so much. Oh well, there's nothing you can really do about that.
Hoping to pick up a nice blue ribbon on the day so
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 Hooray for long weekends - I too am taking my show holiday in lieu for Friday so I didn't have to take an annual leave day.  Will be an early start for me that day.  Aiming to get there at about 7.00am, then we can't leave til around 4.00pm so quite a long day, but I enjoy educating the public about Dalmatians and letting them pat the dogs.  

I love the Ekka, but the crowds not so much.  Oh well, there's nothing you can really do about that. :confused:   Hoping to pick up a nice blue ribbon on the day so :fl !!

Good luck at the show. Hope your puppy does you proud.
 Hooray for long weekends - I too am taking my show holiday in lieu for Friday so I didn't have to take an annual leave day.  Will be an early start for me that day.  Aiming to get there at about 7.00am, then we can't leave til around 4.00pm so quite a long day, but I enjoy educating the public about Dalmatians and letting them pat the dogs.  

I love the Ekka, but the crowds not so much.  Oh well, there's nothing you can really do about that. :confused:   Hoping to pick up a nice blue ribbon on the day so :fl !!

Good luck to little Yahtzee. I am sure he'll do you proud.
K Spot I wish you and Yahtzee good results for Friday also! Winning anything at the Ekka will be something to be proud off. Is he Baby or Puppy Class? [excuse my ignorance, it has been many, many, many years since I attended a Dog Show and that was in WA]. Anyways .. Puppy in Show!

We attained our mini milestone today … 4 eggs in one day!
Dusty returned to laying after her mini moult and gifted us with a pointy/conehead egg which was unmistakably hers.
Frick on a stick. Was just candling and marking air cells when suddenly my cat was there, I moved my hand and the egg dropped onto the bench top :( it cracked half way around, I can still see the chick moving inside so I've taped it closed as best I can and put it back, I'm under no illusions that it might survive I just couldn't bring myself to dispose of it while it was still alive. Poor babe, half way today and all 4 developers had made it, I cracked the clear open and it was infertile.
So bummed that the only loss so far was my fault!
K Spot I wish you and Yahtzee good results for Friday also!  Winning anything at the Ekka will be something to be proud off.  Is he Baby or Puppy Class? [excuse my ignorance, it has been many, many, many years since I attended a Dog Show and that was in WA].  Anyways .. Puppy in Show! :fl

We attained our mini milestone today … 4 eggs in one day!  :clap  Dusty returned to laying after her mini moult and gifted us with a pointy/conehead egg which was unmistakably hers.
Frick on a stick. Was just candling and marking air cells when suddenly my cat was there, I moved my hand and the egg dropped onto the bench top :( it cracked half way around, I can still see the chick moving inside so I've taped it closed as best I can and put it back, I'm under no illusions that it might survive I just couldn't bring myself to dispose of it while it was still alive. Poor babe, half way today and all 4 developers had made it, I cracked the clear open and it was infertile.
So bummed that the only loss so far was my fault!

Bummer but we have all done it or something very similar. Clear nail polish is good to use as a sealer as well.
K Spot I wish you and Yahtzee good results for Friday also! Winning anything at the Ekka will be something to be proud off. Is he Baby or Puppy Class? [excuse my ignorance, it has been many, many, many years since I attended a Dog Show and that was in WA]. Anyways .. Puppy in Show!

We attained our mini milestone today … 4 eggs in one day!
Dusty returned to laying after her mini moult and gifted us with a pointy/conehead egg which was unmistakably hers.
Yahtzee will be in the Minor Puppy Dog class, for dogs aged 6-9 months.

Congrats on 4 eggs!

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