Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

Well - that'll larn ya - to be careful of what footwear you choose, next time outside with your cuppa .........

A very funny story - and just goes to show - they have got some 'thinking power' up top there.

Apart from your roo recognising an art inspired spider ( which in itself is remarkable when you think about it ) am wondering if any red colour is something a chicken cannot resist. Found that out the hard way, during summer, wearing sandals and bright red nail polish on toes. .... Two of my 3 had a real go at them - pecking feverishly, me yelling a lot and getting the hell out of there. Put some shoes on, and no more problems !! I didn't take too much notice of it at the time, just thought they were having a bit of fun - but since your story, have had to have a rethink.

Thanks so much for taking the time to tell the story ...

Ciao now ......
Now that you mention it, I had something red the other day - cant remember what it was - but I remember yelling "Alright, I get it, you dont like red!" I know stallions will react immediately to blood, gets the testosterone pumping, but to a chook, snacks I guess?
My Shiela has squatted and gone broody at the faintest whiff of a crow from surrounding properties. Thats why Im surprised she didnt immediately throw herself on the ground in front of him. After he got with her a few times today, she strutted about him as if to say "Well, Im not that easy you know!" Hes a bit shy, I think. Adolescent still. Which is why Ive decided to go a bit easy on him.

 Ive trained colts for years. I have a beautiful stallion Ive been with since the day he was born. Breeding males need adequate space, females....And understanding, with a soft touch and a firm hand.

After my initial post of trouble, I realized. hes a poor young teenager who's favourite girlfriend got horribly murdered, leaving him with his bestie tom boy and 2 older ladies that scared the living crap out of him. Oh, and we got rid of his brother, wry tail, even though Roo didnt know it, their play fights were about to become very serious. But all he knew was his brother disappeared.  And to top it all off, his mommy/friend/ protector had started acting all weird and distant.....I realized. Oh. Crap. Ive isolated him! I preach about not isolating stallions. Growing up every one I ever saw was confined, solitary....And mad. My stallion is kept with a companion at all times and always has been, and any time we were at a cross roads, I chose to be his friend rather than his enemy. Work with me to protect your herd/flock. Love me, dont fight me. So. Lets see how my method works. After the dog, who I tried soo hard for, Im a bit exhausted with animals that promise me everything and then screw me over. Is it wrong that when he is being very difficult I get just a bit hungry?

Do the isa browns produce fertile eggs, no friggin idea. A couple of years ago I just got a couple of chickens. Now I have 4 chickens a roo and 3 little chooks....Im supposed to be breeding ducks. Ive gotten quite good at ducks. So. Im sure Shiela will go broody any minute. Penny and Megan are still young so I doubt they will. The Trude? Who knows! When I find out, I'll have plenty of pics!

I don't think you can compare horse behaviour and chicken and I suspect there is no more thought going into his mating than it's here ill mate with it, just gotta work out how. The crowing is probably pure coincidence, and her broodiness has nothing to do with hearing it. I'm in suburbia a long way from roosters crowing and they still go broody at the drop of a hat. I also doubt the age or tom boy ness of the girls is even a factor other than because they are higher on the pecking order so he has to show he is boss as well before mating so he's not only working out what to do but mounting a hostile takeover from bottom of the pile for top flock position. As for his brother, when I got rid of my rooster I thought the girls would miss him. Don't think they even noticed lol. I think you are giving him far too much credit for rational thought :).
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What an ingenious way of trapping mice. .... thank you for the link.

Would it work for rats ? ... they are so much heavier and smarter ( I think ) ....

Have no doubt that it works well. Would have to fill with water though, as rats could climb the sides of that bucket fairly easily, I would think.

Worth a try for sure ... will think about that one, when our Victorian rats return ( which they will ). !!!

Cheers - and thanks.

Should work for rats as well. I'd fill about 1/4 of the way full with water. You can use dowel rods to make it more sturdier.
Rats are very intelligent and they can swim so make sure if you are going to do the water trap it's deep and at least 3 body lengths from rod to water, they also learn quickly what not to go for, penut butter didn't work for rats in my traps but I got one with apple, wet cat or dog food would be good as it's a strong smell, make sure what ever you use to spin can do so freely as they are pretty good with their paws.

3 eggs go into lockdown tomorrow (I think? I set them on the 1st so tomorrow would be day 18 yes?)
The cracked egg survived around 30 hours after it dropped but when I candled last night all veins had receded and there was no movement, the other 3 almost fill the shell all my thermometers are suddenly reading differently, one was reading 38.2 and another was reading 36.7, they'd all been reading within .1 up till the other day so I'm not sure what's happening. I've added the one off my fridge now which I know is accurate so I hope all is good. Humidity has been crazy, I think I'm going to have to re calibrate it before lock down because it's reading all over the place, but air cells have grown so I'm praying all is well! 4 days and we will know
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Hi guys since I got my orps on Sunday they have already laid me nearly a dozen of eggs and I was wondering how long it will take the hens to become fertile they have never been with a rooster before so I don't know how long I usually wait a month but that is where they are with other roosters so yeah
What an ingenious way of trapping mice. .... thank you for the link.  

Would it work for rats ? ... they are so much heavier and smarter ( I think ) .... 

Have no doubt that it works well.   Would have to fill with water though, as rats could climb the sides of that bucket fairly easily, I would think.   

Worth a try for sure ... will think about that one, when our Victorian rats return ( which they will ). !!!   

Cheers - and thanks.   

The 5 gallon will only work once or twice for a rat if at all. However if you upsize the trap to a 44 gallon it works brilliantly on rats.
Hi guys since I got my orps on Sunday they have already laid me nearly a dozen of eggs and I was wondering how long it will take the hens to become fertile they have never been with a rooster before so I don't know how long I usually wait a month but that is where they are with other roosters so yeah

36 hours after first mating is the soonest for a fertile egg. It's about 14-18 days after last mating that they stop producing fertile eggs.
1 month guarantees for when you change roosters that you only have eggs fertile from the new rooster with no chance of the old.
I would normally wait about 3-5 days from when I have seen a mating. It might take a week or two for the roo to try depending on the flock.

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