Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

Yeah that only contains oregano. No amprolium which is also a thiamine B1 inhibitor.
No matter how airtight your container is , after 2 weeks any added minerals and vitamins begin to deteriorate . We are guilty of holding over chick starter from previous hatches but best to buy in smaller quantities than take the risk. :)

Thanks for the info.

I got this


One drop morning/night for a few days plus the Vit E and Vegemite water is all good. Lady at the health food shop was studying avian vet and I said I have a chick with wry neck and she handed it to me - seems she loves quails too
Yay soon going to have more babies soon my 7 month old Wyandotte mix is sitting on 13 or so eggs not sure just leaving here pretty sure the are all plymouths if not then my family friend can have it as they are making there first coop will show you guys when it's finished
I know one lady that always has between 95 and 100 percent hatch that candles and marks aircells daily. She does batches of 36 at a time.

I think it helps if you know what you are doing too, and there are a lot of people do that and have good success :). I'm a great believer when beginning though to keep to the KISS principal (keep it simple stupid ;-). I could measure and weigh to my hearts content but honestly I wouldn't be any the wiser lol
Kleonaptra tee hee, it definitely sounds like Henny Penny has visions of becoming a pampered house chicken.

satay yeah, you cannot help but smile at their excitement .. I tell everyone I spend so much time in the garden because I enjoy it and love the feathered company; but truth be known, I probably spend so much time in the garden because it takes me twice as long to do anything as I have to be careful not to stab a chicken with the garden fork or chop off a chicken toe with the spade ;)

Fancy I am also pleased to hear that you are up and about and on the mend.  Must have felt good to see the chooks again?  As you all probably know by now, my gals get a supervised free range every afternoon but because of the hubby health issues, dipped out yesterday .. when I got home late last night they were fine and had put themselves to bed etc.  However, when I went out to feed them and say good morning today, I felt like I had not seem them for weeks!  They really are a huge part of my day.

Sam fingers crossed for your little one with the wry neck; sounds like she is improving.

Thank you Fancy for the tip about the chick starter.  I had some left over from a previous hatch, sealed in an air tight container and the chap at the feed store advised me to throw it out; not worth the risk, especially as it is not that expensive.

I do buy in small lots but had no idea that even after 2 weeks it starts to lose it’s goodness and have continued to use it for 6 weeks or more.

I do not have any hatches planned in the near future but will definitely keep that in mind.

I am one who pops the eggs under the broody; set and forget, que sera sera etc  While I probably should candle, I have not and while I have had some quitters, I have been lucky enough not to have any exploders; I know my luck will run out one day.

sjturner79 “candles and marks air cells daily” .. seriously?  Wow, who has that kind of free time? Obviously very dedicated ;)

Yes that is exactly it! Pampered house chook indeed! I've been worried about explaining to hubby about the bird poop - somehow I always miss the one he steps in - but something weird? She has not yet pooped in the house. Usually when a chook gets loose in the house poop party is the first thing that happens.
I rescued the art supplies twice more, then, when I saw her disappear from the kitchen door ran out to the cat room to yell "AAH HAA!" Only to see no chook in sight....not here? But she's not there? Wait. Cats are all traumatized. Something's not right. Little face peeking out from behind the curtain! "AAH HAA!" Found you!
I'm getting a bit worried about her actually. She seems lively enough, but appears fatter than the other girls (she has a bit of breastbone) lays ginormous eggs almost duck sized, and holds her wings out and pants in the heat. She may find herself inside on an ice pack if she keeps that up.
Hi guys, since there are so many new posts and i only check the feed on my phone I cant really remember everything to reply to haha. So ive been ovationing here and there as I read in small lots ;-)

Glad everyone who has been sick is on the rise and that the heart scare was just a scare. Yes I think ill only candle twice as im more of a let mumma do her thing as well. I do of course want to make sure i get rid of the infertile ones and quitters so that shes not hanging around waiting for them to hatch if theyre not going to.

Yes very useful info the 2 weeks medicated food. Think i used to buy in bulk about every 2 weeks but i would have probably used it for 4 weeks and not thought anything of it if they didnt go through it that quick.

Last night i had yet ANOTHER broody! When i let them out this morning she wasnt on the eggs so probably just a short term thing again but ill have to see. Havent seen her around the run when i was hanging the washing but only 3 of the 6 in there were so who knows if she was sitting or just off having a tea party over that way with the girls.

Miss Vonte is still sitting and pooing like a pro! Not wrong about the smell lol. Think im gonna have to come up with another nesting box and create another broody area tonight for incase any of them decide they do wanna sit for more than 12 hrs. This is after we get back from a big day so by tonight i probably mean tomoro haha.

Loved the Tasmania fridge comment, laughed hard. Bit sore from true grit last night, was an awesome night tho :) enjoy ur weekends! Dont think theres any other SA regulars on here but be safe over the long weekend if there are!
Thanks for the info.

I got this


One drop morning/night for a few days plus the Vit E and Vegemite water is all good. Lady at the health food shop was studying avian vet and I said I have a chick with wry neck and she handed it to me - seems she loves quails too

Selenium is not something I would recommend , it's too easy to overdose and selenium toxicity usually leads to massive organ damage. Wryneck is a shortfall in thiamine B1 and vitamin E is said to help with absorption I'm not sure what function the selenium has in this treatment.
That's what I said to my grandkids yesterday, those two have no tail and are shaped liked Quails, while the other two have quite a longish tail which made me think they might be Roos. I hope I'm wrong, but the little one with the comb, like you said, looks like a roo.

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