Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

Selenium is not something I would recommend , it's too easy to overdose and selenium toxicity usually leads to massive organ damage. Wryneck is a shortfall in thiamine B1 and vitamin E is said to help with absorption I'm not sure what function the selenium has in this treatment.

I was told to use it for only three days strictly no longer from memory it was something about muscles and the need. But I'll discontinue if it's not required
That's what I said to my grandkids yesterday, those two have no tail and are shaped liked Quails, while the other two have quite a longish tail which made me think they might be Roos. I hope I'm wrong, but the little one with the comb, like you said, looks like a roo.

Satay tells me and so far has not got it wrong with her maran. That boys feather in slower.

Also the combs will give them away by 6-8 weeks.
LOL I thought they were quail at first !

Me too!!

This morning I gave up. I heard the big flap that signified Hennible getting up on the lounge. I sat up, thought about it, then went, you know what, I don't care. And let her snuggle up with me and my son

Awwwww! Cute! Think ud be fighting a losing battle anyway by the sounds of it haha

So by jesus i have a nasty broody!


So this is her 2nd night on the eggs which means i will def be sorting out some new housing for her tomoro as Miss Vonte is already using the other chook area. I went to pat her and she went to peck me straight away! (Missed) i went to gently lift her to see how many eggs she was sitting on and bam! More pecking. Decided to use a stick to lift her instead lol, near killed the stick! Gave up lol.

Miss Vonte has been the opposite. When i go to touch her she makes a sweet little weary noise and fluffs up a little but doesnt object other than that. Felt like a school kid wanting to yell back at my bully with my new broody!

Now, a question.. obviously if u put an egg near a broody she will pop it under her but can they steal other eggs from a completely different box?! As u can see in the pic theres about an inch or so from the ground to the nesting box. The other box the girls use is at the same level. There were no eggs in the other one which leads me to believe that they either all waited for her to get off the eggs and laid then or that she went and stole them from the other box!

Any experience here? Lol. I want to give her some more eggs but shell possibly go to peck my hand off and get the eggs instead! I will tho. Just hope she doesnt go stealing the others tomoro and overloading in eggs.. will have to play detective and beat her to them haha.

Soooo tired. We are now kidless for about 4 days for school holidays :-D
This morning I gave up. I heard the big flap that signified Hennible getting up on the lounge. I sat up, thought about it, then went, you know what, I don't care. And let her snuggle up with me and my son

Haha I've been guilty of that too.
My dog broke a glass panel in my door so I get the occasional visitor. I had a battle with a hen trying to keep her out but she was determined to come inside. I kept throwing her outside and she just kept coming right back until I was like.. ok fine you win
Hi All,
First of all I just have to say (for anyone who follows AFL), it's a sad day for West Australians:(:( but well done to the Hawks!
Anniebee we are not experts by any means, but we have once successfully let a broody sit on fake eggs for about two weeks then popped some (sexed) day olds under her, which she raised really well.
Kleonaptra love your Henny stories!
fancychooklady good to hear you are up and about.
Rodney Rooster enjoy being kid less for 4 days (yahoo!!). The only broods we have had have been nice content ones like your miss vonte. Our main concern was making sure she got off the nest to eat and drink. Didn't even know they Cld be so aggressive. And an egg stealer to boot!
IamSamSam sorry to hear about the wry neck :(
Teila hope your hubby is ok? Hospital visits are never nice.
Have gone a bit snake phobic and made a new grass run for the babies to use during the day. Here's a pic of them with the run open having a small supervise free range time. I suppose that a snake could slide under neath but it's the best I can do at the moment. Have bought two of the snake defender solar stakes and am currently charging them. Hope to have them up and working soon. Apparently the snakes are now on the move in our neck of the woods looking to establish their territories.
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Just catching up again on a lot of activity this past 24 hours here !!

Originally Posted by RodneyRooster

So I've just youtubed candling and pretty sure ill be fine with that, looks simple enough after watching a few different clips. My question is actually probably a silly one considering the whole process lol. How do I get each egg out from under her to do so without interrupting her and the eggs? Do i just lift her up and take half out, candle them, put them back and take the other half out? If i do one at a time i wont know which ive done and which i havent. And if i do them all at once shell have no eggs left!

I plan on candling for the first time at day 7 or 8. I havent read anything about when to do it tho, do does this sound ok? And then how often should i do it? Each week? Thanks :)


Have a suggestion. I use a child safe felt pen to mark the dates on my eggs each day. Perhaps, as you take each egg from under chooky, to candle them - you can put a tiny spot of coloured felt pen on the one's already done. That way you will know which ones you have dealt with and which ones' not.

Won't hurt the eggs I am sure, as it doesn't hurt us, the dog, or the chooks when they get cooked egg to eat. And the pens don't hurt children who use them ( and most likely put them in their mouths ) .... can't recall the exact name of them, but your newsagent would certainly have a small box of them available. Kiddy safe things.

Just a thought.

Cheers -----
Hi All,
First of all I just have to say (for anyone who follows AFL), it's a sad day for West Australians:(:( but well done to the Hawks!
Anniebee we are not experts by any means, but we have once successfully let a broody sit on fake eggs for about two weeks then popped some (sexed) day olds under her, which she raised really well.
Kleonaptra love your Henny stories!
fancychooklady good to hear you are up and about.
Rodney Rooster enjoy being kid less for 4 days (yahoo!!). The only broods we have had have been nice content ones like your miss vonte. Our main concern was making sure she got off the nest to eat and drink. Didn't even know they Cld be so aggressive. And an egg stealer to boot!
IamSamSam sorry to hear about the wry neck :(
Teila hope your hubby is ok? Hospital visits are never nice.
Have gone a bit snake phobic and made a new grass run for the babies to use during the day. Here's a pic of them with the run open having a small supervise free range time. I suppose that a snake could slide under neath but it's the best I can do at the moment. Have bought two of the snake defender solar stakes and am currently charging them. Hope to have them up and working soon. Apparently the snakes are now on the move in our neck of the woods looking to establish their territories.

Awwwwww they are so little and dainty! Very very cute little chooks u have there :)

Yep and shes taken the other eggs i just gave her too! Haha. Good job on the snake repellers, let us know how they go over the season. Hubby is finally putting ours out tomorrow he assures me. Have had a look at the rabbit hutches online at our local stores but all the arches to get from hutch to run look way to small for my huge hens.. gonna have a shop around and see what we can find tomorrow but otherwise ive decided ill just chuck her in the kids 'house' which is like a wooden shed frame covered in shade cloth on all sides. Haha, sweet dreams all!
Fox about again

We all know foxes don't just go away, but I was surprised at 4.30 this morning to actually hear one. I heard it and didn't believe it - went out on the deck and heard it call clearly four times. It's hard to say but it sounded a street or so away. This is in the suburbs!! I'm going to fortify further - more steel. And bring them closer to the house. I know since it had a win weeks ago it will be back.

Of course the council Fox Manager wasn't at work at 4.30am.

I thought I might just let you all know they are still about as we can all forget the dangers of predators in the city sometimes.

Good idea to do everything possible to stop foxes. Many bush critters come into the suburbs these days ( Melbourne - Yarra River - inner suburbia --- HEAPS of snakes ) ..... my sister who lives in Kew, near the Yarra River, has had to call the snake catcher 3 times now - to capture snakes that like to sun themselves near the window and peer indoors. Freaks her out. Her husband has seen many on his walks, runs down by the river there too. He is super careful about all that.

And foxes are no exception. .... And feral dogs and cats - especially in bush-land country - close by to villages and smallish built up areas, even into outer solidly built up suburbs. They 'know' where there is food, and are hungry - probably because of the weird weather we all have across the country.

Put up as much steel as you can get a hold of ... and lock down your chickens at night - no matter how silly it might look to you when you have covered all the bases of protection ( which might include a totally lockable door, tarpaulin over part of the door ( attached to the wire with pegs !! ) and a strong car roof elastic thingy to stop the tarp flapping in high winds. Looks gross - but acts well.

Foxes, ( it would appear ) are busiest in the times just before dawn. That seems to be their hunting / kill time. Fresh kill for day time eating. I know some people who allow their chickens to decide when to get up and go out-doors.... which in the southern states - especially mid summer time --- could be a problem. Queensland I believe ( wisely ) does not use summer time change, but still would have the long hours of sunlight. My 3 girls get up to eat, if I turn the torch on at say 2 a.m. when letting Miss Ruby out for a pee. !!! Light - wow
.... we are up and at the tucker. !! Shockers they are .

Cheers all -

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