Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.


One rooster in Satays Flock of fw maran

Only 1? Great!

Well while I was out buying new things to set up another broody area i found some frizzle bantams at the store!! Omg i went clucky! Lol. 2 hens and a rooster, without picking them up and inspecting them they looked absolutely gorgeous and I wanted them so bad! But of course with all my broodys atm Idont have anywhere for them :-( so wanted to take them home.

So got home and went to see if there was any chance I could collect todays eggs, nope! She stolen them again. I will be moving her tonight though so at least she wont be able to steal tomorrows! They didnt all fit under her though so I was able to steal one back haha. Even candled it to make sure it wasnt in any developing stage. It wasnt. Yay! My first candling :) the toilet roll trick worked really well so illdef be using that when i check Miss Vontes later this week.

Again I have no idea how im going to get the new broodys eggs out to candle next week but i guess ill figure something out by then. Heavy duty long sleeved gloves or something haha. Oh yes and im going to check out that app in the app store right now, goodness knows i need it to keep track now!

I know I was desperate for a broody but i have enough now thank u, no more broodys!
So i downloaded the ihatch chickens app. Thank u! Love it, its perfect for everything except that u can only track one hatch at a time. U can still have the other in ur diary which is good but its tracking my newest one and id prefer it to track the furthest along. I have added this comment tho so hopefully theyll take it on board and update it. Then itd be the perfect app. Love the candling progress pictures.

So i searched the app store and found another app which I also downloaded called hatchabatch. This one you can track more batches and even different egg types (ducks, quails). It has reminders also but only certain ones that u can tick or untick. So although theres an option to set a reminder for candling at 7 days there isnt one for 10 days for example. Also has helpful guides but not as in depth candling guides as ihatch. So im using both atm haha, twice the organisation, twice the chance of success!

I will be candling my eggs on thursday night, that will be 10 days and my MIL will be here and im sure she would love to watch. I think it will probably speed up the process a bit too having someone there to help :)

If anybody is interested in using hatching apps ^ thats my review of both :)

We bought a new tv today! Smart tv! I feel very posh :p was cheaper than the regular version in the same brand as it was 2 inches smaller. Cant wait to watch something tonight, its our first flat screen!
Thank you for the feeding-while-away tip Fancy.

Thanks for sharing satay’s chicks Sam, they are adorable!

Congratulations on resisting temptation RodneyRooster … Step 1 on the road to recovery from chicken math .. lol
And, congrats on the new tele also .. the one thing we make sure is good quality in this house is the television. We figure spending that little bit more on a television is a good move for us; we do not go out to dinner, we do not go to the movies, we do not leave home unless we have to; but we do have Foxtel and we like to watch the AFL.

I had a really fun day today … the pictures are not the best because of the lighting this time of day, but it gives you the idea.

This is the view from one of the kitchen windows (the view from both was identical):

This is now the view from the other window:

I have room for another pot that size or a couple of smaller pots or maybe even a gnome or two
I have capsicum in one and tomatoes in the other; they get the morning sun and shade over around 02:30 in the afternoon; the pots are filled with mostly compost from our compost bin and they are out of sight of curious chickens!

And, this is our Rainbow Chilli bush .. it is safe from the gals because they do not walk on the stones .. ouchies!

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Thank you for the feeding-while-away tip Fancy. Thanks for sharing satay’s chicks Sam, they are adorable! Congratulations on resisting temptation RodneyRooster … Step 1 on the road to recovery from chicken math .. lol ;) And, congrats on the new tele also .. the one thing we make sure is good quality in this house is the television. We figure spending that little bit more on a television is a good move for us; we do not go out to dinner, we do not go to the movies, we do not leave home unless we have to; but we do have Foxtel and we like to watch the AFL. I had a really fun day today … the pictures are not the best because of the lighting this time of day, but it gives you the idea. This is the view from one of the kitchen windows (the view from both was identical): This is now the view from the other window: I have room for another pot that size or a couple of smaller pots or maybe even a gnome or two ;) I have capsicum in one and tomatoes in the other; they get the morning sun and shade over around 02:30 in the afternoon; the pots are filled with mostly compost from our compost bin and they are out of sight of curious chickens! And, this is our Rainbow Chilli bush .. it is safe from the gals because they do not walk on the stones .. ouchies!
Looks good! I've started container gardening too this yeah but it's more due to swampy backyard than chickens :). Be careful it's as addictive as the chickens, I've started just planning on doing pumpkins and spreading vines like that but have now started collecting an orchard in pots too :) If you are interested because the bones of your vege garden is still there I can take a photo of how to chook proof your vege beds with a few small tomato stakes, some black poly pipe and some plastic netting.
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Hey appps, thank you, yes, if it is not too much trouble, some pics would be good.

While the gals could easily jump up onto the shelf the containers are on, it is an area of the garden they do not usually go into .. having said that, now there are young, tasty plants there, they may be tempted and I might need to block the side of the house off or protect them somehow down the track.

Before chickens, when we had a real vegie garden, we grew Lettuce, Brussel Sprouts, Corn, Bean, Carrots, Capsicum etc etc.

However, we found with the vegetables like lettuce, we could not eat it all and because it could not be frozen etc; went to waste. Now we have chickens and they love lettuce, growing it is too much trouble when you can buy it so cheap.

So, we decided to grow things which we use a lot but can also freeze the excess and which do not all harvest at once; more stuff we can pick as opposed to dig out of the ground.

I lost my last Chilli bush in the floods which is why this one is in a container and another crop was ruined by hail. Having them in the containers means I can move them under cover if torrential rain or hail is predicted.
Yes it's more the traditional bed I mean to keep them out of.

We are the same with excess here. Every year we say one in the family should grow one thing to share and someone else another as every year we all end up with so many tomato or beans or whatnot we can't give them away :). This year Dad is going to be the bean man so we will see how that goes!

We go through a lot of lettuce in summer but I do have a tendency to plant stuff we don't normally eat a lot of and it goes to waste so this year I'm sticking to the basics. Got a heap of tomato and capsicums in and need to get some cucumbers going. Again I've gone and planted zuchinni when we only eat one every few weeks though lol

I really want to start bottling stuff too!
Ah, OK appps, yeah, I will probably stick with the raised containers; on previous experience, can’t trust the flooding to have anything in the ground and not having to sit on my butt weeding gardens beds is a bonus

We have a bottling kit and have bottled cherries, board beans, sweet potato, Brussel sprouts and a couple of other suitable crops. We make sauce with the excess tomatoes and we also have a dehydrator that we will need to dust off again because it is great for all the fruit when it is on special.

I love this time of year!!!

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