Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

Yeah the flooding is killing me too. The agg drains are still running water from our rain weeks ago, nothing would survive there so I'm going up into containers on the top side of the drainage channel. I'm also trying rhubarb in a big container to keep it too high for pesky chickens!
Well I have some bad news and some really good news so bad news first my second gosling drowned in out adult Toronto which are even difficult for the adults to reach so I have no idea how it go in anyway my second goose flapper all her eggs were rotten so she lost all eight eggs then the good news is my smallest girl bear has hatched out 4 and one is pipping ask I am typing anyway two greys and one full white and one that I think will be a Sebastopol with its colouring so yeah will have some pics tomorrow

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Hello all,
I actually did take some pics of Henny on the lounge, but I have to get on the computer to share them. No cats dont bother her...but she sure bothers them! My mum in law also has one that likes to come inside, and giving up is the only option, they like the game too much! She's much cleaner than Regina when she invades...Gina will even just jump in a car if you leave the door open.
Speaking of Regina, @RodneyRooster she is an egg stealer. Scovy duck, not chicken. She will move an egg from anywhere to claim it as her own
Hello all,
I actually did take some pics of Henny on the lounge, but I have to get on the computer to share them. No cats dont bother her...but she sure bothers them! My mum in law also has one that likes to come inside, and giving up is the only option, they like the game too much! She's much cleaner than Regina when she invades...Gina will even just jump in a car if you leave the door open.
Speaking of Regina, @RodneyRooster she is an egg stealer. Scovy duck, not chicken. She will move an egg from anywhere to claim it as her own

It's completely a personal choice as to how you keep your birds, but the risk of salmonella is real. Poultry should be housed in their own designated area. It can be a challenge to keep repeat offenders in the coop , but that's all part of responsible husbandry.
We have a strict ' shoes off ' rule here because King George often roams around the garden. Children under 5 should not even be handling poultry and if they are , strict hand washing should be observed. I'm not a prude, I live on a farm and animal manure is part of our life, but not in my house.
Would you use wood shaving in a small run (2.5mx2.5m) for chicks or leave a dirt floor? Trying to be get more optimistic about these last two eggs as so far haven't even started rebuilding the extended run or organising their small run (think I've been a bit too disheartened to bother). I cannot for the life of me remember what I did last time.
Would you use wood shaving in a small run (2.5mx2.5m) for chicks or leave a dirt floor? Trying to be get more optimistic about these last two eggs as so far haven't even started rebuilding the extended run or organising their small run (think I've been a bit too disheartened to bother). I cannot for the life of me remember what I did last time.

I'd leave it dirt, I stopped using shavings when I lost a few chicks ( eating the stuff ) to pasty butt. I gave up, when I was in hospital I gave my well intended friends strict instructions on which pens to collect from , only to find that the silkie eggs that were almost ready to hatch had also been collected. Back to the drawing board, momma is still sitting, poor little thing.
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Morning friends
… Gotta luv a 3 day weekend!

devinandfeather I am not sure if it is my computer or your post, but the text appears to be chopped in half horizontally? All I could see was the top half of “Well I have some bad news and some really good news so bad news first my second gosling drowned it out adult” so I think I read that bit right but then nothing … I am sorry to hear you lost a gosling

I am not familiar with English Bantams or Orp eggs so I am not sure of the size differential but the most bantam eggs I have given my Pekins and Silkies is 9 so satay’s suggestion of 4 sounds like a good starting point.

appps I agree with Fancy and would stick with dirt.

Oh no Fancy I am so sorry to hear that your eggs were collected and so sad for your poor little hen
I'd leave it dirt, I stopped using shavings when I lost a few chicks ( eating the stuff ) to pasty butt. I gave up, when I was in hospital I gave my well intended friends strict instructions on which pens to collect from , only to find that the silkie eggs that were almost ready to hatch had also been collected. Back to the drawing board, momma is still sitting, poor little thing.

Nooooooo. How frustrating :-(

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