Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

Promising sign from Beatrice today, I went to pick her up and she squatted for me. Not that I'll be relying on her for eggs :rolleyes: :p , but first eggs are always exciting and something to look forward too. No sign from Esme yet though, and she's nearly 8 months. She'll get there though, I know some individuals start laying later. Oh, do D'uccles go broody much?

From what i have read they are supposed to be good broodies. I am yet to have one go broody.
Hard decisions. A closed flock is probably the best option , for now at least.
See if you can get some Virkon , I have it in tablet form it makes up 5 litres and you can spray everything, including the organic matter such as the ground .
Mine are all just starting to come back into lay so don't feel bad about 6 eggs a day. :rolleyes:

Thanks. Closed Is a definite but I have have too many to sensibly keep. But I will try. The vacant block behind me is now being built on. They ran excavators over it last week. So I am hoping they don't mind chooks. I don't want to attract councils attention.

I was going to use this. Do you know anything about it.


I can get Virkon from my normal vet product supplier but hadn't previously because of the lack of product information.

All my coops are steel. I only have timber for roosts. So cleaning is relatively easy.

Speaking of eggs I may have identified the culprit who brought it in - sh lays a wrinkly egg.

I had to drop the level of calcium for the antibiotic they were on. The food I could get was lower in protein too. I'll keep them on that food until they finish the next course of antibiotics, as it is cheaper. This antibiotic - I haven't picked it up yet so can't tell you the name does not have a dietary requirement. But as I can't use eggs it won't matter if I don't encourage eggs.

I also for the first time ever "may" have someone taking eggs. But it may just be because this hen with the wrinkly eggs lays a very thin shelled egg and they are breaking easily.
Virkon is supposed to be superior to any disinfectant and longer activity against viruses , but it can also be destructive on some metals, so it probably isn't best for your coop. The disinfectants are obsolete when they come in contact with organic matter. I'm not sure which metals it reacts with, because they wash everything down in the ER with it.


Here's the info on Virkon. :)
Thanks Annie, I think that KG may have had a heart condition, he was laying flat on his back as if he was dead before hit the deck. His hackle was up and he was in magnificent condition. I have 9 x of his babies in the brooder ATM and 3 are cockerels so at least I will be able to continue his line. I fear that none will have half the personality as he did though.

Fancy .... while it is incredibly sad to lose King George in such a way, there is perhaps a small comfort (?) in the thought, and more than a probability, that he passed extremely quickly, with no pain or suffering. He'd have known nothing.

The only sign of his imminent death would be the raised hackles, had you been there. My Barnie ( Milly ) died in front of me, and a mili-second before she passed, her hackles raised far far up and remained that way for a short while afterwards. She had been showing signs of lethargy, and aloofness from the flock - but was eating and drinking well, even on the morning of her 1 p.m. demise.

Again, sorry for your loss, but with 3 cockerels of his coming on - it may be that he has passed on through them, some of his brilliant personality. That's something to look forward to looking for - signs of father George. Never to be repeated of course, but close enough ? Let's hope he has left his wonderful legacy.

LuckysMum there are others more experienced than myself with feeding a mixed flock, but I think the recommended option until Lucky starts laying is to feed the flock grower but ensuring the layers have oyster shell for calcium on hand should they need it.

Fancy I am pleased you have some of KG’s baby boys and your Silkie Boys are just beautiful!!!

Fizzybelle yep, I think you might just have that first egg very soon! Looking forward to the pics of the coop build. Tee hee, feathered site inspectors are apparently required on any project

SilkieChickStar your little one is adorable!

While I would not say they are totally thrilled about it, all my girls let me pick them up and give them health checks etc without having to chase them around the garden.

One of the hazards of having oversized, feathered, clown shoes for feet is an occasional broken foot feather and both Cilla and Blondie have experienced that.

This afternoon, half way through supervised free range, Blondie springs a limp so I picked her up. I tipped her back slightly so I could check her feet and I so wish I could have got a picture of her stretching her neck over her tummy and giving me the ‘just what do you think you are doing look’

After determining that she has, in fact, broken a foot feather but with no bleeding etc, I popped her back down on the ground.

Now, I am thinking the appropriate response would be “Thank you for caring Mum” but judging by the peck I got on the hand for my troubles once I let her go, not only were we not on the same page, we were not in the same library lol .. Princess!
Hi I am also new to the site I would Like to breed speckled silkies blue silkies and sebrights gold or silver let me know if you can sell me any and post them to adelaide


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