Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

Here's a sneak peak.


OMG a flying horse.

How effortless they make that seem. Is that a liver chestnut? The way the light hits her (can't see) rump looks liver coloured.
Can you get salmonella from drinking watery diareah? Cause that's what they kept doing, I had to drill a little drip hole because otherwise Carl was drinking her own but then that pair would try and drink what dribbled out the hole. I had to keep kicking dirt over the wet spot but they did beat me at times.

I actually think colonel could also be compacted in her crop but I have caught her eating the nest box bedding so not sure if that is what I'm feeling in the morning. will know better after a couple days locked away from other food sources. She is eating like she is starving though where Karl just scratched at food but didn't eat when she had it.

@satay and @MyHaven Karl has never come back 100% to normal poop after her impaction months and months ago and unless I lock her up with food and no dirt etc till lunchtime tends to slip backwards again but has put on weight and condition again. Just has softer poops than the rest but at least the last week or so it's finally started having white in it again.

Oh and I wormed them 10 days before Mother's Day. Repeat? And same wormer or one that targets different types of worms? Used piperazine solution which just says round worms. Also have another one somewhere does more types but I can never get them to drink it.

You had me wondering with two more showing similar symptoms and behaviour and the "can they catch crop impaction from poo" question. So I consulted Dr Google who gave me this web page.!crop--gizzard-impaction/c1gsp

While I knew crop impaction led to other problems I didn't realise how many. And all those mentioned by Fancy are listed in the web page.

As the web page talks about testing poo I would say that means yep that can catch the related problems from drinking contaminated water/poo.

My understanding of salmonella and other bacteria is yep they can be picked up through ingestion. Salmonella thrives in the intestine.
Hi everyone!

I haven't been on the site in weeks! The site refused to work for me for a while. Did that happen to anyone else? It could have been something to do with the connection at my place.

How is everyone? I hope you and your chooks are all well.

I have over 1000 unread posts on this thread... looks like I've got a lot of catching up to do. :7

Well hello, I do find when my signal is slow/weak this site shuts down on me.

You have missed some losses and some good advice and magnificent support. Somebody said they had eggs hatching on the weekend I think, but I didn't hear the outcome. I've been playing catch up a lot myself.

1000 posts? Well I hope you read fast because these guys can post faster than I can read sometimes.

How are you chooks going?
Ok construction pic ahoy. We have done more to the coop since this was taken, I'm just taking a break though from an assessment atm. Agnes is also no longer broody, raising her sleeping crate worked.
Yay Agnes. That looks a good size, love pics, can't wait for the update when you get back to it. It will be so nice for you and your flock.

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