Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

In some cases it's best to worm first time round with the piperazine, it's a little gentler on the system and because it doesn't kill everything at once your birds are less inclined to suffer complications . Worming sick animals is a judgement call , if you think that parasites may be the underlying problem here , yes I would worm her. Just remember that a burden of worms can trigger many symptoms including upper respiratory issues.
Sadly I lost Molly last night.... I did every I could!
Hi everyone,

I'm situated in the beautiful Huon Valley in Tasmania and since becoming a chicken owner around a year ago i have become obsessed with poultry. Not something i expected haha. Happy to have found this board, i have lurked for a while now and finally decided to join.
Welcome.... hope you find this board as imformative as I have.
One of my hens got through a hole in the fence while i was working on the coop and was on the nature strip. Some young hoons hit her with their car, i didn't see it but it's possible it was on purpose. The marks on the road looked liked they swerved to get her. The turned around and got out to look laughing. By the time i realised what was happening it was too late ant they were gone. She was lovely and hadn't being laying long and layed blue eggs. Feeling very down about it.

One of my hens got through a hole in the fence while i was working on the coop and was on the nature strip. Some young hoons hit her with their car, i didn't see it but it's possible it was on purpose. The marks on the road looked liked they swerved to get her. The turned around and got out to look laughing. By the time i realised what was happening it was too late ant they were gone. She was lovely and hadn't being laying long and layed blue eggs. Feeling very down about it.
Wouldn't just love to get hold of the mongles

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