Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

Thats good to hear! And exciting about the eggs, what breeds are they?
Oh just your regular EEs... am hatching a few for my friend who wants some girls for her acreage. The rest I'll try to sell/giveaway to friends...Hint Hint...@Poultry mum ... @Sussex19.. 😂

I've been great as well, and had a slight over load of broody hens! First one when broody, and I set 10 eggs under her, but had a slightly disastrous hatch, and only ended up with two chicks.
Then another one when broody, and hatched 5 chicks, and yet another one hatched 6 chicks! So that is🤔 errr 13 chicks running around!

Are they all white Sussex? Yeah I heard most brooders are not very good.. but maybe they'll learn to be better mums as they get older...?

I've decided on SLWs in the end.. so I'll end up with a group of EEs and a group of SLWs.. I managed to find a SLW breeder in my suburb who's happy to sell me eggs when I'm ready to hatch in Autumn....can't wait!

Have your Maran eggs arrived yet?
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Hey guys anyone know how to fix a humidity sensor ASAP? Mine is showing EE which I know means the sensor is well to put nicely broken.. lol 😂 however my I have 1 egg piped and more on the way and need to know the humidity in this incubator… and just my luck my back up needs a new battery lol 😂 🤦‍♀️
Hey guys anyone know how to fix a humidity sensor ASAP? Mine is showing EE which I know means the sensor is well to put nicely broken.. lol 😂 however my I have 1 egg piped and more on the way and need to know the humidity in this incubator… and just my luck my back up needs a new battery lol 😂 🤦‍♀️

Oooppss!! I know this is late so I hope you got it fixed in the end... I'll just make sure there's enough water in the incubator so that some condensate is forming on the roof of the incubator - maybe humidity will be really high by then..probably around 80s - 90s but I've had that before and my chicks hatched alright... 🤷‍♀️
Yep all good on that front now… however now I have an issue with hatching … it seems like they all just quit on me… one piped then died no breathing movements at all..
Yikes that sux!

one internal piped was peeping like crazy last night now nothing at all… and the rest just aren’t doing anything at all…
how's the little fella going? give it up to 24 h for it to externally pip.. otherwise you'll have to step in..

I’ve got one that hatched and one that is in the process but I’m worried … I just don’t understand what went wrong??? When I stopped turning them 2 days ago they were all healthy and dancing in their eggs …. It just doesn’t make sense
Might it be your incubator that is the problem given the humidity went kaput? I'm sure you've done this.... but did you calibrate the temperature prior to using it?
Just want to know what sort of comb this is… trying to work out perspective parents… god I suck at this lol…


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