Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

Satay Yes, I thought the same when I saw that carton. sjtutner79 where did you get it.

Many times I have been known to cry when looking at grassless country. It breaks your heart to be in drought. Then you hear people complain about the rain.

potatochip I'm not clear - you DID NOT bring any home?

I'm about to NOT go for a drive looking at chooks.
Hey potato chip I kinda lost track of who was not going for a drive and not coming back with chickens

Is that picture of the “type of chooks you’d look at” chooks that You might now be looking at for a while now?
Aka 'newbies'?
Those would be the chooks one might drive out to the country and bring home, if they were a suggestible type who sees things on the internet and gets ideas, but not me, I'm not like that. Those new girls aren't out in my back yard, nosirreee.

Does anybody have any good names for imaginary chooks that look like that? I'm thinking the d'uccle will be called Flora

Well, I think it's a good name, somebody on another thread was mentioning cowboys and saloons, I can see your "ladies" hanging out in there in all their feather-finery. If you don't teach Blondie to read, it should be ok LOL
That's called eclectic - deriving ideas, style, or taste from a broad and diverse range of sources. Not junk.
I like that much better my husband had a laugh. We've had to be inventive with so many age ranges and I don't think the ISA browns mix well with others especially babies. I keep telling him it won't be for long. I think he believes me. Haha
potato chip "Does anybody have any good names for imaginary chooks that look like that?"

Well, if I had imaginary chooks I would give them imaginary names like:

Floss .. as in Fairy

Nessie .. as in Loch Ness
Jeanie .. as in Genie

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Floss .. as in Fairy

Nessie .. as in Loch Ness
Jeanie .. as in Genie

oooh, you're brilliant. Flora can stay Flora, the little redhead type in the front (what's that called, buff? Is that buff colour?) can be Flossie (I'll make her real name Florence, she can be Flossie for short), and the girl at the back can be Jeannie (she hasn't got legs, just pantaloons, like Jeannie in I Dream of Jeannie, it's a perfect name for her, and Jeannie was so pretty, too).

Done! Thanks.
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Ok I am obviously seriously lacking in rain again cause first thing i notice is the grass.. Omg look they have real green grass. Living in drought will do that too you :lau

I do live in the wettest part of Australia. They winge when we go without rain for 4 weeks here.
For those that asked about the egg carton, they are used for bulk eggs in restaurants and things, if you have any acquaintances that are cooks or chefs they should be able to collect them for you. Mine come from my sister in law who works as a part time chef at one of the local pubs.
Thanks for the kind thoughts for Stampy guys! I'm pretty sure it wasn't the cat food because Tiger has a bladder infection apparently caused by the stress of my recent separation according to the vet.
I think it was our holiday near the end of Jan and it's been brewing for a while. Tiger was a bit weepy for a few days when we got back from Rocky, even though we got a camera with a voice thing so we could speak to them while we were away. My guess with Stampy would be egg peritonitus but I'm not up for an autopsy. She had a good life even if she didn't get the 8 years I was hoping for.

After all that I thought I'd better get on with Sprinkles bath so we don't have another fatality. I'm pretty sure she doesn't have gleet now that I've washed her bottom. She enjoyed her bath and kept toppling over as if she was falling asleep in the warmth. Hair drying her was another thing entirely. It took ages and eventually I gave up before my hairdryer blew up. Perhaps I should have towel dried her more or there is some special technique to it.

Right after her bath - and blow dry.

All dried out and looking pretty with more blue since she moulted.

That's very exciting news about your new coop coming over Easter @Teila! The spare coops might be good for hospital / recovery coops too. We are now down to the legal limit and there is some relief in knowing that if the council does come around we won't have to pick who to give away - an impossible task.

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