Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

Very cute Silkies there LuckysMum. I have a soft spot for the ginger ones - they match my kids. : )

@sjturner79 I don't count babies towards council limits. Its the same rules as for cats and dogs as far a I'm concerned - 12 weeks and then you count them if you still have them.

Speaking of counting chickens though, 70 Fancy!

Appps, I'm hoping that Carl pulls through. She is a pickle, a much loved one though.

I has a little laugh at Sprinkles this morning. The spa treatment seems to have brought out her femine side as she is now showing signs of being broody.
I thought my chickens were cheerful little things....

Well, mostly they probably are potato chip .... they do their thing, and are born to it.

I was thinking of the process they have to go through, year in, year out - moulting, laying, being a bit off colour etc., that makes their life quite hard -

Perhaps harder than we humans can imagine.

Cheers .........
And you still find time for us and to share your knowledge on a huge range of subjects. My hat goes off to you. And I'm a lot jealous.

Does anyone know what these round things are? They seem familiar somehow but can't quite recall from where. They turned up in the quarantine camp.

Agree MyHaven .... ref. your comments about how much help Fancy advises here, despite her work-load ( which would have me in some sort of quasi coma !! )

And while here, thank you for your lovely ovation on my recent post. Much appreciated.

btw - those 'round things' are eggs.
..... your girls are soooo full of surprises.

They all do their 'thing' ... and we cannot hope to understand it - ( well, not totally anyway ).

Keep looking in the quarantine camp .........

Cheers ...
Last edited:
I manage Annie, though it's coop cleaning time and a few need leg mite treatment. Many of mine are moulting so I have the equivalent of 2 acres of land covered in feathers.

Keeping everyone ' bright eyed and bushy tailed ' is time consuming but sitting with my coffee in hand and chooks at foot is also good for the soul.

As I posted to MyHaven .... your posts here are so much appreciated .... and you make time for that, on top of all else you do.

You must be one helluva well organised lady. ........ ( something I cannot claim for myself, unfortunately ).

I love your positive outlook - "coffee in hand and chooks at foot - good for the soui" .... must remember that as a daily mantra. Although, looking at my 3 only chickens, tends to have me choke and spill my coffee. Oh boy - are they ever strange. !!

Cheers ..........
Thanks for the ovations Anniebee it took me a while to find them after I got an email. As I'm new to the forum I wasn't sure were to look.

I am trying to get my 7 week old chicks to follow a fenced in course to there outside run. Its really hard to get them to leave the coop doorway. I sprinkled some grain but they didn't really care. Then at the end of the day when I want to get them back in the coop, they wont budge. When I push them along gently they get near the door and quickly turn back. I end up carry each one individually. Does anyone have any tips. They sure have different personalities even at this young age.
Does anyone have any tips.
I think the answer is time. My new girls were older (9 and 12 weeks) and they were like that. Too scared to come out. They gradually got some gumption and got used to things. They wouldn't come to me and they weren't interested in any treats I tried to ply them with. Now, they are.
I think the answer is time.  My new girls were older (9 and 12 weeks) and they were like that.  Too scared to come out.  They gradually got some gumption and got used to things.  They wouldn't come to me and they weren't interested in any treats I tried to ply them with.  Now, they are. 

I agree. Some get it straight away while others like my Millie Belgians i have to take back each night.
Good morning friends

Worked on site yesterday and got there super early to score a parking spot and not risk another parking ticket
[Still waiting for a response from Council on my review request]

‘Snakes on a Plane’ … ‘Chickens on a Train’; Tee hee MyHaven I got a good chuckle from your story

Beautiful chickens at that!

Hey, when you find out how those “round things” turned up, can you please share

Fizzybelle yep, moving is high on the list of stressful things we do and up there with getting married and changing jobs.

Your girls are adorable!

Fancy I am in awe .. I struggle to manage 6. I can only echo all the sentiments already shared .. you are an inspiration and we are so very lucky to have you as a friend, even if only virtual for some of us.

appps how is Carl doing today?

Not much news of note from Bambrook Bantams .. this weekend we start gathering the materials for the new coop/run .. very exciting!

Crystal and KiKi celebrated their 1st birthday yesterday.

It is funny that I do not forget the girls birthdays but nearly forgot hubby’s lol … In my defense, their birthdays are recorded on the egg spreadsheet which, while not being opened daily at the moment
, is still referenced frequently .. may be I should pop his birthday on there also
Good morning friends :frow

Worked on site yesterday and got there super early to score a parking spot and not risk another parking ticket ;)   [Still waiting for a response from Council on my review request]

‘Snakes on a Plane’ … ‘Chickens on a Train’; Tee hee MyHaven I got a good chuckle from your story :lau

Beautiful chickens at that!

Hey, when you find out how those “round things” turned up, can you please share ;)  lol

Fizzybelle yep, moving is high on the list of stressful things we do and up there with getting married and changing jobs.

Your girls are adorable!

Fancy I am in awe .. I struggle to manage 6.  I can only echo all the sentiments already shared .. you are an inspiration and we are so very lucky to have you as a friend, even if only virtual for some of us.

appps how is Carl doing today?                 

Not much news of note from Bambrook Bantams .. this weekend we start gathering the materials for the new coop/run .. very exciting! :celebrate

Crystal and KiKi celebrated their 1[SUP]st[/SUP] birthday yesterday. 

It is funny that I do not forget the girls birthdays but nearly forgot hubby’s lol … In my defense, their birthdays are recorded on the egg spreadsheet which, while not being opened daily at the moment ;) , is still referenced frequently .. may be I should pop his birthday on there also :lau

Happy birthday crystal and Kikki.
It's my visits to BYC that keep me sane. :D
Good morning friends :frow

Worked on site yesterday and got there super early to score a parking spot and not risk another parking ticket ;)   [Still waiting for a response from Council on my review request]

‘Snakes on a Plane’ … ‘Chickens on a Train’; Tee hee MyHaven I got a good chuckle from your story :lau

Beautiful chickens at that!

Hey, when you find out how those “round things” turned up, can you please share ;)  lol

Fizzybelle yep, moving is high on the list of stressful things we do and up there with getting married and changing jobs.

Your girls are adorable!

Fancy I am in awe .. I struggle to manage 6.  I can only echo all the sentiments already shared .. you are an inspiration and we are so very lucky to have you as a friend, even if only virtual for some of us.

appps how is Carl doing today?                 

Not much news of note from Bambrook Bantams .. this weekend we start gathering the materials for the new coop/run .. very exciting! :celebrate

Crystal and KiKi celebrated their 1[SUP]st[/SUP] birthday yesterday. 

It is funny that I do not forget the girls birthdays but nearly forgot hubby’s lol … In my defense, their birthdays are recorded on the egg spreadsheet which, while not being opened daily at the moment ;) , is still referenced frequently .. may be I should pop his birthday on there also :lau


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