Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

Yes potato chip --- at least if they sprout when left for a few days, you know they are still ok.  And yes, vegies can go limp and rot .... not something I give to my chickens either.   They get fresh stuff.   

One way to keep celery in tip top condition is to wrap it in glad-wrap and in turn wrap the entire thing in alfoil.   It keeps for a couple of weeks that way - still crisp, raw edible and usable, after using this way of preserving its life for what is a relatively long time for a vegetable. 


You can keep celery for a long time sitting the base roots in a little water in a jar. It keeps growing.
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Now I've caught up on the posts.

Thanks everyone for your concern for my flock. I am so concerned, particularly now one is gone. The buttercups are beautiful natured sweeties. All others so far spend a day sick and recover. I had two a week and half ago sneeze and come good. Thought it had passed and on the weekend it started going through them all.

I worry about their long term carrier status (if it turns out that way) and even if they recover what that means.
Now I've caught up on the posts.

Thanks everyone for your concern for my flock. I am so concerned, particularly now one is gone. The buttercups are beautiful natured sweeties. All others so far spend a day sick and recover. I had two a week and half ago sneeze and come good. Thought it had passed and on the weekend it started going through them all.

I worry about their long term carrier status (if it turns out that way) and even if they recover what that means.

Sorry to hear your flock has been unwell. Hope you get to the bottom of it. I lost a couple of my old Aussies last week. They are almost 9 so I am amazed any are still going. I still have about 6 left of them .
Sorry to hear your flock has been unwell. Hope you get to the bottom of it. I lost a couple of my old Aussies last week. They are almost 9 so I am amazed any are still going. I still have about 6 left of them .

:hugs yep all friends here. :) I have a few 8-9 year olds that are still soldiering on. Sad when they go but what a good innings.
The Chinese garlic doesn't rot in my experience. It implodes and goes powdery.
Don't you find that odd? All organics decay....
Quote: I think it means the flock should always be isolated. Nobody in, nobody out (unless its to another flock who is affected). I'd want to know for sure what they've got and have a vet tell me what it means.
Aussies are a supper chook though. I just love mine.
No way am I having my chooks for supper!
Quote: I was afraid the bantams (Beatrice in particular) would blow away! There's only about 400 grams of her.

Agnes has started laying again! Bit soon after moulting, she still has lots of pin feathers, but ok, that's what she's doing. I did miss her little eggs, always a nice shape and colour. I missed cuddle time yesterday as my hairdressers appointment ran late. Mabel was waiting on my chair for me apparently, before finally going to bed by herself (such a big chookie, so proud!) I felt like such a bugger. Lots of cuddles today though to make up for it.
Hi all, newbie here from Victoria!! I need some input regards to my 18wk old australorp. She's been walking like John Cleese and she shakes as she walks. When foraging with the others she has to lay down. I bought her as day old from a breeder so was vaccinated prior to purchase. Can anybody help?? I've been to all pet/rural supplies and no one has an idea and don't really sell anything like vitamins, antibiotics etc. I don't really want to be paying vet bills at this moment it time
Hi all, newbie here from Victoria!! I need some input regards to my 18wk old australorp. She's been walking like John Cleese and she shakes as she walks. When foraging with the others she has to lay down. I bought her as day old from a breeder so was vaccinated prior to purchase. Can anybody help?? I've been to all pet/rural supplies and no one has an idea and don't really sell anything like vitamins, antibiotics etc. I don't really want to be paying vet bills at this moment it time

Hi, sounds like a vitamin B shortfall unless she has had a head trauma. Most of the online poultry suppliers will express post. Is she eating ok ?
If so, while you are sourcing vitamins to add to the water try dissolving a tablespoon of Vegemite in a little hot water , then soak some bread in it and feed it to her.
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