Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

I don't often shop at Coles .... but next time will look for that. I can get it at our local IGA store.

Turmeric is an extraordinarily beneficiai spice - a pinch in your morning coffee can't be tasted ( more than a pinch can ) .... and it is excellent for overall health improvement.

I now do not miss out on it - once a day ( and in curries which we love ).

Must try and grow it myself some day soon ( when puppy has ceased to be Miss Dynamite from Terminator ) .... oh my heaven, you have no idea - but then most likely you do. !!

I know I will drop some considerable kilos' in weight dealing with this puppy from another planet !! At 6.85 weeks old, she is one helluva clever little tyke. Too young to be separated from her siblings, in my opinion. But it was not my call.

Cheers ...........

I just went to coles and on their jar it says Garlic from china. Maybe its seasonal with coles supplier and they get it where its cheaper. Anyway Jensons organic says they only use organic garlic. I guess we have to read labels. I always do and if it just says local and imported ingredients I don't buy it.

Wow so much information on so many things.

The eggs shell in the garden apparently adds calcium to your crops and that is supposed to be good.

The puppy sounds adorable, Haha yes we did that quite a number of years ago. My son and his wife have a 10week old puppy and with the girls as well it can be bedlam.
Good luck and yes I was told puppies shouldn't be separated till they are at least 8 weekls old.

I have had garlic turn to powder too. DISGUSTING

Anniebee I will have to try and make some white moths. Last year I put a net over my vege garden and I still got caterpillars.

sjturner79 how are you getting on keeping the chooks out of the laundry. The only thing I could think of was putting a cat flap in a window so the chooks couldn't reach it.
@Fancychooklady I hope you are around.

I just typed a detailed post and lost it so will be shorter this time.

I just got the antibiotics and they are for ornamental birds. I don't know what dose to use. They have a dosage for pigeons finches and ornamental birds. They say it is for psittacosis, E. coli and mycoplasma spp. Active 100mg/g chlortetracycline hydrochloride.

I am going to take one bird to the vet to see if I can test for what I am dealing with. I am going to the specialist whose vet nurse tells me that I may need to sacrifice one of the birds for autopsy. About $400. Including histology. I can't get in until tomorrow afternoon.

I'm happy to hear your thoughts.

Happy to hear anybody's thoughts. .
@Fancychooklady I hope you are around.

I just typed a detailed post and lost it so will be shorter this time.

I just got the antibiotics and they are for ornamental birds. I don't know what dose to use. They have a dosage for pigeons finches and ornamental birds. They say it is for psittacosis, E. coli and mycoplasma spp. Active 100mg/g chlortetracycline hydrochloride.

I am going to take one bird to the vet to see if I can test for what I am dealing with. I am going to the specialist whose vet nurse tells me that I may need to sacrifice one of the birds for autopsy. About $400. Including histology. I can't get in until tomorrow afternoon.

I'm happy to hear your thoughts.

Happy to hear anybody's thoughts. .

My best calculation would be 1/4 of a teaspoon to a litre of fresh water daily. It must be mixed fresh each day and remove any calcium sources ( calcium carbonate , shell grit ) .
The treatment is pretty much the same for most of the CRD's.
@Fancychooklady I hope you are around.

I just typed a detailed post and lost it so will be shorter this time.

I just got the antibiotics and they are for ornamental birds. I don't know what dose to use. They have a dosage for pigeons finches and ornamental birds. They say it is for psittacosis, E. coli and mycoplasma spp. Active 100mg/g chlortetracycline hydrochloride.

I am going to take one bird to the vet to see if I can test for what I am dealing with. I am going to the specialist whose vet nurse tells me that I may need to sacrifice one of the birds for autopsy. About $400. Including histology. I can't get in until tomorrow afternoon.

I'm happy to hear your thoughts.

Happy to hear anybody's thoughts. .
Good luck. I don't know what to tell you other than can you work out a dose on what your chooks weigh. I'm sorry that you may have to sacrifice one of your birds.

Welcome Minch83 you'll find lots of wonderful advice and new friends.
@Fancychooklady I hope you are around.

I just typed a detailed post and lost it so will be shorter this time.

I just got the antibiotics and they are for ornamental birds. I don't know what dose to use. They have a dosage for pigeons finches and ornamental birds. They say it is for psittacosis, E. coli and mycoplasma spp. Active 100mg/g chlortetracycline hydrochloride.

I am going to take one bird to the vet to see if I can test for what I am dealing with. I am going to the specialist whose vet nurse tells me that I may need to sacrifice one of the birds for autopsy. About $400. Including histology. I can't get in until tomorrow afternoon.

I'm happy to hear your thoughts.

Happy to hear anybody's thoughts. .

Coryza, MG and most of the CRD ( chronic respiratory diseases are far more common than you would think. Unless you had hundreds of birds it mostly goes unreported. The treatment is pretty much the same and a ' closed flock ' is recommended so that other people's flocks don't become infected.
I once took a roo to an avian vet with a cheesey ear and clogged nare. Turned out to have a sinus infection, it cost $150 for the consult and antibiotics. The vet made me sign a document to say that I had been advised that any bird that I administered the drug to would never be used for food consumption , including eggs.
The alternative is to cull any sick birds as soon as the become symptomatic .
Coryza is easier to detect because the bird stinks like death, especially around the face area.
The real problem with these diseases is that it might not even be introduced by a chicken, rodents and sparrows can carry mites from flock to flock and even mosquitos and midges can transmit them.
honestly i would treat them with the antibiotics for 7 days and then go from there. :)
Happy to hear anybody's thoughts. .
Have had reasonable success potato chip .... with white pepper sprinkled liberally on leaves of sprouting vegetables, plus ground up egg shells around the bases of them.

The egg shells are not a happy adventure for slugs and snails. I think they might be like razor blades to the snails - and they avoid them like the plague.
The worms I mentioned are pet worms, they eat the "dead veges" on purpose to make lovely worm poo for the garden. I don't mind snails either. They can eat whatever they like as long as they leave enough not to kill anything. I like snails, I think they're kinda cute. If they are somewhere I don't want them, I just throw them somewhere else. I haven't got any veges in at the moment, I don't really need to because I get given them. It's different when the snails eat your veges, but with ornamentals and the ornamentals I have (tough as boots stuff) the snails aren't a bother. Even when I had veges in, if the snails ate something, I just wouldn't plant it again. I'd just plant things they didn't like very much. (yes, I'm pathetic)
The worms I mentioned are pet worms, they eat the "dead veges" on purpose to make lovely worm poo for the garden. I don't mind snails either. They can eat whatever they like as long as they leave enough not to kill anything. I like snails, I think they're kinda cute. If they are somewhere I don't want them, I just throw them somewhere else. I haven't got any veges in at the moment, I don't really need to because I get given them. It's different when the snails eat your veges, but with ornamentals and the ornamentals I have (tough as boots stuff) the snails aren't a bother. Even when I had veges in, if the snails ate something, I just wouldn't plant it again. I'd just plant things they didn't like very much. (yes, I'm pathetic)
At least you know your limitations. I keep planting and the insects keep eating. You'd think I'd learn. Rhubarb has done well. I think Paul would quite happily have rhubarb every night and passionfruit I have tonnes of that I could eat that. I don't know what I'd feed the kids. Even the girls are down to 3 eggs a day. I think we would starve if I tried to be self sufficient.

MyHaven My heart goes out to you. I hope you get a good outcome. I'm not sure what I would do. Every time I look on here I see more scary stuff (thanks fancy).

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