Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

I think there is some nasty weather headed your way Fancy .... coming up from the Antarctic.  ( reminder - must speak to son about organising the weather a little better down there for us up here  !!! ).   

We've had ultra wild damaging winds and cold wet stuff today .... tomorrow might be a tad milder, but another front straight off the Antarctic is headed up for Mothers Day - so batten down the hatches.  "Spirit of Tasmania" is in for a very rough ride tonight, and I am horrified to think how the animals being transported will fare.   I wonder if they allow owners into the holds, to placate their pets, during a very bad passage ???  
Aren't  all you Queenslanders on  here,  green with envy, that we have such freezing conditions, snow and sleet at odd times - and winter has not even yet started. ??  

Yeah ... I'LL BET !!   :celebrate

........... ;)  

It was very steamy here last night. I walked into soup when I got home last night.
The important thing to remember is that doctors are only human and they make mistakes.
A few months back I was in hospital with influenza B the registrar wanted to put in an NG , I said no. I've had several and I told him and a few doctors that we know socially , that they should have to have one in place for a week as part of their internship. Hideous things. In hindsight I didn't have my regular bowel blockage, just the flu. :idunno
We have been in navy health with top cover for 36 years , but at $550- $1200 a day for nearly 3 years in hospital beds ,I think I'd still come out on top.
I owe my life to prof Bob Jones and prof Geoffrey Bond an Australian specialist based in Pennsylvania . Both lovely men also. :)
The horses are thawing out in the sun. Time to replace all of the wet and muddy bedding in the coops. Time to bang the spiders out of my gumboots. :lau
Apparently we are forecast for nice weather this week , but we have a big tide forecast for 6 pm tonight. I will definitely be donning the gumboots between tides to go down and lock the cows off the bottom paddocks. Having a riverfront property does have its downsides .
Snow !


Even with health cover the gap was a killer.

Thank you so much for the snow!
I had Trouble last night With the iPad app throwing me off the site by closing down.

I wanted to update you all on the health of my flock. But this morning the news is better anyway so maybe I wasn't supposed to update last night.

I still couldn't see any real improvement yesterday, but this morning roosters are crowing and sparring. I heard no coughs, sneezes or rales. They mostly seem brighter and happier. I have one orpington pullet who looks depressed still. The orps haven't seemed very robust through this.

The vet conducted necropsy and found bacterial rather than viral infection, in the roos trachea and lungs. They have been playing phone tag with the lab to find out the current panel used by commercial growers. I'm not really sure what the specifics of all that means, but I understand it means when obtained they will finish the pathology based on current tests regimes.

Sorry if people don't want that detail, but I think most do.

I am still hopeful that the recovered birds won't become carriers. And just seeing them happier and more lively just makes me feel better.

Thanks everyone for your support through out and I will update you when more information is available. Fancy thanks for your help especially.

Teila no Adrian's surgery wasn't opened on the weekend. Brighton who FYI does birds as well were booked and wouldn't fit me in as an emergency. Greenslopes Birds and Exotics were great. They fitted me in as an emergency. I had to sit and wait for an opening or the end but they saw me. They were there with mine and others emergencies for hours after close. I can't praise them enough. There was a peacock with a sinus issue, a Barnevelder with a chronic respiratory problem and a blue tongue lizard.

You are most welcome. The findings of bacterial are so much better news . Could simply come down to mold spores, fingers crossed .:).
Well just when you think your day is going well, firewood to the door , nest boxes cleaned turn around to find one 17hh thoroughbred impaled on a star picket. Panic as I simply don't have the strength , (after both wrists being broken,) :rolleyes: to cut the wire with bolt cutters. Luckily for me my farrier of 15 years , non horsey son and Hungarian friend dropped everything and came running. As luck would have it our equine vet was just south of us and once the wires were cut he got up.
He now has lots of drugs onboard, staples in his leg and bum. Will see how he pulls up in the morning. Life on the farm is never boring.
MyHaven So glad your flock is improving. I hope that bacterial means when everyone is better that's the end of it. My fingers are crossed for you.

potatochip your right I shouldn't worry. As I've mostly only ever bought pullets all in one go from a breeder I haven't needed to worry. I will check on some breeders.
Thanks for the advice.

fancy I hope the weather is a bit kinder to you tonight. Just read your post I was thinking of the weather and your having trouble of a different kind. I hope the horse recovers quickly. Poor you. I hope you get some sleep tonight.
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Glad to hear that you are seeing improvement . Vegemite does contain thiamine at least that s what it says on the label. Don't believe everything you see online.:rolleyes: However the salt reduced would probably be a better source. Vegemite is quite high in sodium/salt so it really is just a short term thing, still best to get some poultry multi vitamins to add to the water. :)


Thanks Fancy! I have started them on vitamins and minerals in their water but there doesn't seem to be much improvement with her. Could something else be causing the issue?
I still couldn't see any real improvement yesterday, but this morning roosters are crowing and sparring. I heard no coughs, sneezes or rales. They mostly seem brighter and happier. I have one orpington pullet who looks depressed still. The orps haven't seemed very robust through this.

The vet conducted necropsy and found bacterial rather than viral infection,
That's great news. Glad everyone's feeling better and the antibiotics have worked.
Thanks Fancy! I have started them on vitamins and minerals in their water but there doesn't seem to be much improvement with her. Could something else be causing the issue?

Many neurological problems take some time time to correct. In the case of wryneck the birds will first show signs of ataxia , loosing control of their leg movement before they display the typical ' star gazing ' stance. Head shaking can also be the result of a peck injury or in the case of crested birds , a cerebral hernia.
Well just when you think your day is going well, firewood to the door , nest boxes cleaned turn around to find one 17hh thoroughbred impaled on a star picket. Panic as I simply don't have the strength , (after both wrists being broken,) :rolleyes: to cut the wire with bolt cutters. Luckily for me my farrier of 15 years , non horsey son and Hungarian friend dropped everything and came running. As luck would have it our equine vet was just south of us and once the wires were cut he got up.
He now has lots of drugs onboard, staples in his leg and bum. Will see how he pulls up in the morning. Life on the farm is never boring.

Fingers crossed.

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