Australian Spotted ducks!


5 Years
Sep 16, 2014
Vancouver Island, BC
Hi everyone! Does anyone know someone on Vancouver Island, BC who has any Australian spotted ducks?
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I have a confession to make. I am "older," and umm, I cannot read the text on your message, even though I like the color. I did read the text in the preview, so I know what your question is.

Have you seen the Where Am I Where Are You forum? It's organized by location, so you might be able to find someone there.
Amiga is right, i would probably try posting in the area specific to where you live.. I know they are not that common. I know a few around Ontario that do, but that doesn't help you much.

I wonder whether eggs would be easier? are you able to incubate at all? sometimes with harder to find breeds that is a better option. Good luck!
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