Australorp Hen High Stepping On One Leg


Sep 1, 2017
Hey everyone,
I live in Australia and my australorp has been recently high stepping every few steps she takes on her left leg. We recently moved the flock to their new coop and run, with mulch being the run floor. I first thought she had got a splinter and checked. Nothing. Checked for Bumblefoot. Nothing. I took images of her feet and sent it to many other people and everyone said her feet look very normal. So we ruled out Bumblefoot and then I thought of another theory. She is a very heavy hen, hence being an australorp. We have new nest boxes in the coop where the chickens have to fly just a bit to get to the nest boxes (attached in pictures) All chickens had no trouble doing it on day 1 but she wasn’t able to so she laid her egg on the floor. On day 2, she laid an egg in the nest box, but that is when the high stepping on her left leg began. I am thinking when she jumped down she landed wrongly, so I told others this theory and they agreed as it’s common in heavy breeds. I moved her to a smaller area by herself to restrict movement on her leg. I checked her eyes as she is not blind. I will attach images of her foot and nest box. Any ideas or advice? Please help!






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Nice set up and beautiful hen :love You're probably correct, she had a rough landing coming down from the nest box, feet look good. You did what I would do, give her a quiet place to heal.

Is that padding I see under your nest boxes? If so you may want to add more padding with shavings to make for a cushy landing?
Nice set up and beautiful hen :love You're probably correct, she had a rough landing coming down from the nest box, feet look good. You did what I would do, give her a quiet place to heal.

Is that padding I see under your nest boxes? If so you may want to add more padding with shavings to make for a cushy landing?
Hey, thank you for replying! Yeah, she’s isolated so I hope the space away from the others and restricted area helps her leg heal. That image was before the hens were moved in, now it is full of straw on the bottom.
If you have a crate or wire cage that you can put food/water in, put it in the coop with the flock. That way she remains part of the flock, not having the problems of reintroduction.
Unfortunately I don’t, and if I did, I don’t think I’d use it as she’s pretty big, and she’ll need a space to lay eggs and eat and drink. I hope the re introduction is okay, she’s at the bottom of the pecking order anyway so she lose any position.
Her foot looks ok I reckon she has hurt her leg or foot get I have had the same problem with my Australorp it took herva week or so and she was good
Unfortunately I don’t, and if I did, I don’t think I’d use it as she’s pretty big, and she’ll need a space to lay eggs and eat and drink. I hope the re introduction is okay, she’s at the bottom of the pecking order anyway so she lose any position.
How unusual to have an australorp @ the bottom of the pecking order. what other breeds do you have? Just thinking my Aussies are top rankers ~ even the bantam.:D

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