Authorities will do nothing and I am furious, drug the legs of horses.

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Well if you knew him you would see that he does not take any precaution when hauling horses. He will drive like an idiot with a full trailer throwing the horses from side to side. Tying doors or gates closed with bail twine. Not tying horses in the trailer. He buys horses at one auction that are not broke to ride and then takes them to another auction the next night throws a briddle and saddle on them and says broke to ride or dead broke. All the while the horses are mouthing at the bit and wide eyed scared to death. He is well known for getting his kicks by abusing animals and thinks and seems to be untouchable by law. He brags about having beatin horses to death for kicking him. So if you are glad he has not been prosecuted then shame on you. A carefull transporter and a neglectful one are two different things. As far as loosing money he didn't loose that much he goes around getting horses that are free to good home to sell and buys horses for less than a $100 bucks. He does not care, everyone who knows if hates him. The only person who hangs out with him is brother.
Well if you knew him you would see that he does not take any precaution when hauling horses. He will drive like an idiot with a full trailer throwing the horses from side to side. Tying doors or gates closed with bail twine. Not tying horses in the trailer. He buys horses at one auction that are not broke to ride and then takes them to another auction the next night throws a briddle and saddle on them and says broke to ride or dead broke. All the while the horses are mouthing at the bit and wide eyed scared to death. He is well known for getting his kicks by abusing animals and thinks and seems to be untouchable by law. He brags about having beatin horses to death for kicking him. So if you are glad he has not been prosecuted then shame on you. A carefull transporter and a neglectful one are two different things. As far as loosing money he didn't loose that much he goes around getting horses that are free to good home to sell and buys horses for less than a $100 bucks. He does not care, everyone who knows if hates him. The only person who hangs out with him is brother.

Excuse me? What makes you qualified to place "shame on me"?

I don't doubt the man is every ounce of terrible you say he is, but that doesn't mean we should allow emotions to cloud legal judgement. The particular infraction you wish him to be tried for is not, without a shadow of a doubt, a purposeful, criminal infraction. If he's abusing animals as heinously and as regularly as you say he is then you should have plenty of ammunition to have him tried on more concrete charges. Do something about it. Otherwise, you're just an armchair quarterback. Don't complain about that which you have no intention of taking action to change.

Nothing you've said here makes him guilty of abuse in this case. Neglect? Maybe, if you had proof that he knew his trailer was faulty and likely to fail before loading up. But again, nothing you said here indicates that. Trailering untied is a personal decision, depending on the type of trailer he has it may actually be considerably safer for the horses. Regardless of the type of trailer there are pros and cons to trailer both ways. Neither would have prevented this particular tragedy.
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