Average Hatch Rate Thread

Here's just counting the Chicken Hatchers, so the Incubator Hatchers are unchanged:
Chicken Hatchers
#eggs = 44 + 4 = 48
#chicks = 22 + 1 = 23
Average Hatch Rate = 45.8%

Incubator Hatchers
#eggs = 38 + 32 = 70
#chicks = 20 + 2 = 22
Average Hatch Rate = 31%

Overall Hatch Rate
#eggs: 118
#chicks: 45
AHR = 38.1%
I think this is an excellent idea! (I would, I am a math teacher
And it shows how tough it is to get life up and growing into the world. I am hatching Thursday, under two broodie hens and will add my data!
Are you including duck hatches here? I just had a hatch and don't want to mess everyone up with it if it's not wanted.

My number of eggs was 21, number of babies 14, hatch percentage 66.7%. I can do the math and add it to the current running average, but I wanted to check whether ducks are included or not first. Should we start separate threads for other poultry?

Oh, and does it matter whether they are shipped eggs or not?

Anyway--I think this is a great thread--thanks for starting it!
Broody Hens
#eggs = 48 + 32 = 80
#chicks = 23 + 15 = 38
Average Hatch Rate = 47.5%

Incubator Hatchers
#eggs = 38 + 32 = 70
#chicks = 20 + 2 = 22
Average Hatch Rate = 31%

Overall Hatch Rate
#eggs: 118 +32 = 150
#chicks: 45 + 15 = 60
AHR = 40%
I may have some good stats to post in a bit... my broody hatched a chick this morning! Waiting for final count before I post, she still has 6 eggs, and isnt moving yet, though the peep is wandering around the nest box pecking at things. I am hoping this means she is waiting for others
Just hatched Broody Hens (shipped eggs), so Incubator unchanged....

Broody Hens
#eggs = 80 + 17 = 97
#chicks = 38 + 10 = 48
Average Hatch Rate = 49.4%

Incubator Hatchers
#eggs = 38 + 32 = 70
#chicks = 20 + 2 = 22
Average Hatch Rate = 31%

Overall Hatch Rate
#eggs: 150 + 17 = 167
#chicks: 60 + 10= 70
AHR = 41.9%
Should we start separate threads for other poultry?

Probably best to give them their own thread, I don't know if their normal hatch rates would be any different from chickens but it would be interesting to see.​
Good hatch today 8/9 - Got another one coming tomorrow with 10 eggs

Broody Hens
#eggs = 97 + 9 = 106
#chicks = 48 + 8 = 56
Average Hatch Rate = 52.8%

Incubator Hatchers
#eggs = 38 + 32 = 70
#chicks = 20 + 2 = 22
Average Hatch Rate = 31%

Overall Hatch Rate
#eggs: 106 + 70 = 176
#chicks: 56 + 22 = 78
AHR = 44.3%
Last edited:
pax12 - You are supposed to add them on to the running totals.

I've done it for you - you've boosted the incubator rate by a fair amount

Broody Hens
#eggs = 97 + 9 = 106
#chicks = 48 + 8 = 56
Average Hatch Rate = 52.8%

Incubator Hatchers
#eggs = 70 + 335 = 405
#chicks = 22 + 160 = 182
Average Hatch Rate = 44.9%

Overall Hatch Rate
#eggs: 405 + 106 = 511
#chicks: 182 + 56 = 238
AHR = 46.6%

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