The new feather lover farm birds look great...

@Mika97 - only a few Cemani but I would out their temperament in the Leghorn range. Maybe Sumatra. They're nowhere close as friendly as my Svart Hona. I have them in an enclosed run with roof but imagine them to be capable fence jumpers. They fly up to roost close to 6 feet with no problem. They do well enough with my other breeds but occasionally get bullied by some of my legbars. They're young so no reliable eggs yet but well less frequent than everything else I have. Personal preference but I wouldn't want these as my only breed. Not as friendly as svart hona, or as good a layer as other breeds...
Thanks, it sounds like these are a "breeders choice" and that you would want a flock of these to breed as showbirds. At 100 eggs a year, there are far better laying breeds out there. Fascinating birds, but their black eyes ARE kinda creepy! There are local deals on CL where people are selling a rooster and 3-4 hens for around $250. Seems like a fair deal. I'm in city limits so roosters are out unless they are relatively quiet or the rooster collar works. One review claims they are cuddly, that doesnt seem right...will these seek your attention if you give it?
Thanks, it sounds like these are a "breeders choice" and that you would want a flock of these to breed as showbirds.  At 100 eggs a year, there are far better laying breeds out there.  Fascinating birds, but their black eyes ARE kinda creepy!  There are local deals on CL where people are selling a rooster and 3-4 hens for around $250.  Seems like a fair deal.  I'm in city limits so roosters are out unless they are relatively quiet or the rooster collar works.  One review claims they are cuddly, that doesnt seem right...will these seek your attention if you give it?

If you get really, really close, their eyes are actually very dark brown :) You can tell the iris from the pupil but only very close up. Check it out:


That depends on how they're raised - I have several I raised myself that are very friendly and will approach me to see what's going on and always come over to me if I bend down. Then I have some I got from other breeders as adults that prefer to keep their distance. I haven't found any of mine to be really flighty or skittish though.
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They're crazy flighty as chicks and young juveniles, but they grow out of it pretty quick. Maybe that's because I've got them in with Leghorn chicks. I can walk past my Leghorn pens a dozen times in a day, and every time they startle and panic. But the Ayam Cemani just hang out as if to say "Wazz up!" They are individuals though. Some will avoid me at all costs, others I can't get them out from under foot. Most are in the middle. Overall they'll keep just out of reach. They don't want to be touched let alone cuddled. They get along great with other breeds. Mine lay at least 140 eggs a year. I only counted once though. Eggs come in cycles. They tend to lay somewhat regularly for a few weeks, then they take a few weeks off. And they do it as a group. The whole group is somewhat synchronized so it feels like feast or famine with egg productivity. Eggs are among the most fertile and best hatchers I have. And they keep going broody. All the time, broody, broody, broody. They are fairy good flyers and have no problems getting over a 6' fence, even with one wing clipped. Nary a problem with winters. They're often the only breed outside the coop on extra cold days or when snow is on the ground. Haven't had any issues with frostbite other than the very tips of the comb.
Cool! I'm in Fort Collins. Search Fort Collins wanted section on CL and I have a post from August 12. "Laying Hens, pullets, and chicks wanted". Contact me there? Thanks!
How long is it before females lay eggs? I only have one female and one male, I was told I had 2 females and male but one turned out to be male and a mutt somebody else got into the hen house. Body is different and has a lot of brown on him so he is in with mixed chickens. other 2 are lovely but this is their first summer and no eggs yet. When can I start to see some they are 7months old.
What age can you start to tell the pullets from the roosters? I purchased and hatched some eggs. They are 19 days old now and there seems to be a pretty big difference in tail feather development. Combs are starting to show a difference too but I figured id ask as for as how old is a good bet of knowing what they are?
What age can you start to tell the pullets from the roosters? I purchased and hatched some eggs.  They are 19 days old now and there seems to be a pretty big difference in tail feather development.  Combs are starting to show a difference too but I figured id ask as for as how old is a good bet of knowing what they are?  

I can usually tell by four weeks going by comb size.

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