Ayam Cemani double yolker! any tips?


9 Years
Jul 27, 2010
Cornish NH
Hello, I recently bought some ayam cemani eggs and got them in the incubator, and when I candled them I saw two distinct chicks forming. (have been hatching chicks for years I am SURE there are two in here) I only have one other viable egg from this order so I REALLY want at least one of the chicks from this egg to hatch successfully if not both (but I know that the odds are stacked against them).
So it is now day 16, and I can see a great air cell in the normal spot for one of the chicks, then a gap where I can see that it is glowing when the light is on there, so a gap with no chick and then the pointy end has the other chick. I assume I need to help these guys hatch? at least the bottom chick won't be able to get any air, and the other one might be too squished to maneuver properly either.
Anyways any twin chick tips? I would be less worried if they were just barnyard mixes (not that they don't matter too) but these guys weren't exactly cheap!
Also I meant to get a photo of the two embryos while I was candling them but I couldnt find my camera and my phone wouldn't take the low light photo, now that I have my camera the egg is too full to photograph, so the only photo right now is the egg itself:
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Oh and for the record I do not approve of intentionally incubating double yolkers. (too many sad stories) If I had known I wouldn't have incubated this one. It is deceptively shaped and I didn't notice the size when I put them in the incubator.
From what I've read, you definitely will need to assist and the prognosis isn't very good. That said, it's been done before and I know there's a you-tube video on the assisting process out there somewhere.
From what I've read, you definitely will need to assist and the prognosis isn't very good. That said, it's been done before and I know there's a you-tube video on the assisting process out there somewhere.
That's what I was going to say- there's a youtube video, just search "twin chicks" I think it is.
Ya I've watched and read everything I can find, most of them are mid progress so I am still unsure of where and when to start helping. top chick will just start in the air cell, but I am afraid of poking anything at the other end since I don't see any air pocket at all that way- I am nervous about just hitting blood vessels.
I saw one guy start an air hole on day 19, (once chick made it one didn't) and I have seen people wait until they start hatching on their own to help as well. And I am totally aware that most likely one or both chicks won't make it, but I have to give them the best shot I can.
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I'd help it too, and research is about all you can do since you won't find too many people who have had success with double yolkers.

I think the video I linked above started helping a while after the first pip - but I haven't watched it in ages. If it were mine, I'd watch the other "normal" eggs, and like you mentioned, wait for one chick to start hatching prior to assisting.

Really hope it works for you!
Ya I've watched and read everything I can find, most of them are mid progress so I am still unsure of where and when to start helping. top chick will just start in the air cell, but I am afraid of poking anything at the other end since I don't see any air pocket at all that way- I am nervous about just hitting blood vessels.
I saw one guy start an air hole on day 19, (once chick made it one didn't) and I have seen people wait until they start hatching on their own to help as well. And I am totally aware that most likely one or both chicks won't make it, but I have to give them the best shot I can.
I think I'd be more likely to wait until one of them externally pips. The one at the bottom could still pip and be able to get air depending on how it's turned, but I'd expect the top one to pip first. Once it has pipped and had time for the veining to retract, then I'd start an assist and work around and down the egg as far as I could go until running into veining, then I'd stop and give it another hour before trying again and repeating that until I could get both out. That's how I would do it.
ok sounds like a plan! haha it's easy to watch the youtube videos, and think "oh I've got this" but I know when the time comes I will be a nervous wreck lol

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