Ayam Cemani double yolker! any tips?

I will defiantly update- though I will be more excited to update if it goes well, but won't want to disappoint anyone with sad news if it doesn't
egg started pipping, so I took some initiative and made a hole so I could see what was going on. (I've helped lots of chick hatch successfully so I *hopefully* am doing this right) both chicks are moving. chick on top ("chick A" I guess) is very visible, but lots of yolk still needs to be absorbed. Chick on bottom (chick B) is not visible except through some of the "gunk" from chick A, so I can't see what's happening except to know he is currently moving, but his beak isn't visible so I hope he can get air. going to give them an hour between assists and keep you posted as I go. hopefully I am helping not hurting :/ it's hard to tell with two in there

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