Ayam Cemani Fraud?

View attachment 1986945 So, I bought hatching eggs off gold feather farms. 2 Ayam Cemani bc I was cheap lol, 2 white Bresse and 3 Swedish flower. They sent me 5 extras. Only 3 Ayam Cemani and 1 White Bresse hatched. If the AC is worth so much, why are they throwing in extra eggs and I only paid $10 for each AC egg? I did notice one has a white toe nail but they usually outgrow that and turn black. Everything on these little babies is black. Anyway of getting info on their genetics and breed quality? I don’t want to accidentally rip someone off in the future if I sell any.

I have been breeding Ayam Cemanis for a few years now. Here is some info:

Misconception: If a Cemani hatches with white toes, the toes will eventually turn black and it is still ok breeding stock.

Fact: NO. White toes may eventually turn grey, but all Cemanis born with white toes, or even a white toenail, are substandard must be culled or sold to non-breeding pet homes. Breeding will introduce more white toes and degrade the breed quality. Cemanis should have all black toes and all black toenails.

Misconception: Birds will outgrow color leakage in the feathers.

Fact: All birds with color leakage are substandard and must be culled or sold to non-breeding pet homes. Chicks may seem to be full black until 5 weeks or later before showing color leakage in adult feathers. They will NOT molt out of this and color leakage birds are not for breeding.

Misconception: Ayam Cemanis can have pink mouths and/or tongues and still be breeding quality.

Fact: NO. Breeding quality Ayam Cemanis are born with and will always have fully black mouths and tongues. Ayam Cemanis with pink mouths should be culled or sold to pet homes. Pink mouths are one of the MOST common faults I see in backyard, average AC breeders. Many people have no idea they even need to check the inside of the mouth.

So Cull White Toes, Cull Color Leakage, Cull Pink mouths.

Despite all of this careful culling and selective breeding, not every breeding, even in prime individuals, will produce all black chicks 100% of the time. That is why pure black adults are so expensive: they are hard to produce and take a lot of time.

$10 per AC egg is not uncommon, actually a little steep for average quality cemanis.
So, I purchased 2 Ayam Cemani pairs from 2 different breeders.

3 of my Ayam's have black eyes & combs now that they are developed (5 months-ish).

The fourth, a rooster - has developed an off red comb(while as the other 3 have black combs) and he has orange eyes (all of the others have black eyes).

I believe that I was sold a different Ayam breed (one that has similar appearance) but isn't actually a Cemani. These have red combs/ETC. but aren't Cemani.

Any suggestions/feedback here?
>Can an Ayam Cemani even have a red comb/orange eyes?
>>If not: I feel as if I paid WAY to much from this breeder and should ask for the bulk of my money back.

I got took on ebay myself. Got secure in the fact the guy is an NPIP inspector in Olney ILL but he does not sell quality birds. He may have them but that's not what u get. People, please buy from reputable breeders with positive feedback after u see the chicks. This breed needs to be guarded.

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