AYAM CEMANI - Pure Black chicken, inside and out!


I know that is a long link but I researched the USDA site about the import of hatching eggs from anywhere and this is what I have found. So it isn't impossible but there are things you HAVE to do and that is just on a federal level. Anyone that wants to import chickens or any animal from outside the USA should also check with their state laws and check with DFW ( Department of Fish and Wildlife) and if that isn't enough regulation for you, you can check the CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species) list to see if the chicken you want is endangered and is even allowed to be purchased.

I hope this helps some BUT dang I want some of these they are sooooo Beautiful if you check the site there is a cross breed that is purple that is my favorite color :)
It is impossible to import from Indonesia. It's right on that page. I have also spoke with the lady that approves the permit. You won't even get the permit. All hatching eggs and live birds are banned from Indonesia. The reason for the ban is simple. There are avian diseases in Indonesia that have not been controlled by the Indonesian Government. Until the Indonesian Government eradicates AI, the USDA will never issue a permit for you to import from that country. In other words, don't waste your time or money. The ban is going to stay in place for a while.

However, you can legally import from Europe. That's the source of all lines of Cemani in this country. Their either originate from the U.K., Germany, or the Netherlands. I am in the process of importing from another country in Europe. It's very expensive and the cost of the import permit is nothing compared to the cost of the vet fees for testing the originating flock.
I appreciate you letting me know that also would you be willing to give me your info because i am looking into buying some so if you so have some next summer i am interested, or if you could let me know where you got yours in the UK and i could just contact them i really do appreciate the honesty about the breeder from indonesia thank you
just send me a PM if you are interested.
I am also trying to find the name of a black chicken, would appreciate anyone's help. My Uncle made a tape of his life, and back in 1915 he states his family bought a flock of prized black chickens. It is hard to make out the name--Garbadon?? Harbadon? If anyone has any idea, I'd appreciate the name! thanks, Kathy
I am trying to find the name of a black chicken, would appreciate anyone's help. My Uncle made a tape of his life, and back in 1915 in Riverside, Calif., he states his family bought a flock of prized black chickens. It is hard to make out the name--Garbadon?? Harbadon? If anyone has any idea, I'd appreciate the name! thanks, Kathy
I am also trying to find the name of a black chicken, would appreciate anyone's help. My Uncle made a tape of his life, and back in 1915 he states his family bought a flock of prized black chickens. It is hard to make out the name--Garbadon?? Harbadon? If anyone has any idea, I'd appreciate the name! thanks, Kathy

Just about every breed of chicken has a black color to it. But most likely in the early 1900s, that would have been the American Java. But it could also be a Black Australorp.

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