B.Y.C. Dorking Club!


I just received my eggs.

It is Friday.

I began calling to get some sort of confirmation of my shipment LAST FRIDAY.

The eggs should have shipped Monday.

On Wednesday, after receiving NO COMMUNICATION WHATSOEVER, after leaving messages, emails, and texts, I gave up and set some other, very valuable eggs of my own (that I had denied to paying customers, thus losing income from them).

Now I have YET ANOTHER batch of eggs from Mr. Horstman THAT HAVE NOWHERE TO GO.


I will never order from this man again - simple communication could have prevented BOTH losses, but he chose not to respond to my repeated attempts to contact him.

It is obvious that speaking to customers is very difficult for Mr. Horstman, and I certainly don't want to bother such an important person.

If you lived closer I would toss them into my incubator for you.
Quote: wow you don't know ANYBODY nearby that has an incubator with room? LOL I've only got 4 running at all times, so I have room for whatever people want to shove at me.

heck, i'll pay the shipping and take my chances on twice shipped eggs if you REALLY don't want them. but if you have an auto turner in your incubator you can double stack them you know... just turn manually by hand once a day.

believe me, if there's a way to hatch MORE eggs at once, I've figured out how. LOL
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junior with his comb healed from the hawk attack...

and my newest bunch. I tried to buy these guys last year and she wouldn't sell...
new guy with my EE roo Weeble, showing who's bigger. LOL

and the whole bunch. 7 girls 1 roo. all very nice type and size.
Love the hoop house -- is that new?
nope. built it winter before last...
this is when it was new... the pen's seen some hard use and a bit of damage from moving but it's still solid.

just moved it this week. just in time too, or else it'd be flat from 3 locust trees falling during all this rain we've had.
and landing on another coop causing birds to wander off into the woods overnight for raccoons to find... I lost 3 sfh cockerels including my uncrested keeper from a friend's breeding, a pullet from the same line, and 2 silver laced bantam cochins... FORTUNATELY, I still have 2 uncrested roos from her sfh line (but not as nice as the keeper) 1 pullet that she wants to trade me, and the BEST silver laced pullet of that hatch... so I didn't lose too much ground.
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junior with his comb healed from the hawk attack...

and my newest bunch. I tried to buy these guys last year and she wouldn't sell...
new guy with my EE roo Weeble, showing who's bigger. LOL

and the whole bunch. 7 girls 1 roo. all very nice type and size.
I am so glad Junior healed up he was one very brave guy.

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