Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!

She's very pretty!! (Both of them

Thank you! I want to see some pictures of your cute little chicks! Did you name them, yet?
Decided to add 4 more to my flock to make a total of 12. Will post pics when i get a chance. Got 2 Americanus a black sex link and another i cant remember lol.

Cool! Good luck raising them, it's always so fun. When I had a duckling she got to "free range" in my room, and of course, I ended up having to get on my knees and scrub the poop stains off of my carpet, but it was worth it!
We got 6 baby chicks on March 20th (first time chick parents here!)
-2 Americauna
-2 Buff Orpington
-2 Black Australorp

This was taken on March 20th when we left with them.

These were taken 2 days later (March 22nd)

These were their updated pictures taken on March 29th (they are growing!!!!! and getting some feathers in!!!!!)

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