Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!

One more pic. Anyone know breed?


These have a lot of names like red sex link, gold comet, red stars, etc. what it means is they are a cross between Rhode Island or New Hampshire reds and usually white rocks to make exceptional layers. I work at TSC and I'm probably the only one who loves chick days lol. I brought home 3 blue wyandottes, 3 blue Cochins, and 1 austrolorp.

Here are our newest chicks from TSC! Wanted australorps since I first wanted chickens so I got 2. Then I chose 1 barred for myself. The 2 bantams made their way to my house because they were only two left and needed a home! Haha! My first bantams, blaming chicken math. The other 2 barred rocks and 1 australorp are for a friend.

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