Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!

I'm in north Georgia and they been getting chicks for 2 weeks now... I got some California whites, production reds . Pretty happy with the batch I got...
Hey folks! New member.... But have been reading from and this site has been REALLY helpful to a rookie chick farmer!! I'm thinking roo that was supposed to be a hen.... Anybody weigh in on this? Thanks for any replies!
How old is the chick in that picture? I am a rookie as well, so I am learning what to look for as well. I am supposed to have 8 pullets as well. But I have my suspicions about at least one of my black Sex Link chicks.
I will get a full body picture in just a few. Thank you so much for response! The four Chicks I got are all 8 weeks old. They were all from the Meyer Hatchery where I also got my six month old Chicks that are just coming into laying/squatting, etc. The "hen" in question is a Buff Orpington.
Not sure that my replies are being posted. The chick in question is 8 weeks old. Will take a pic in just a few minutes and post. Thank you for your replies!

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