baby chick with leg issue


5 Years
Jan 16, 2016
New Jersey
I ordered chicks through the mail for the first time because I've been dying for some salmon faverolles and don't want to wait until spring. The hatchery had 3 left so I ordered all 3 and of course one SF came dead and another SF came with the leg issue. Just my luck... anyways, I'm not sure if the leg issue is just curled toes or if the ankle got broken in transit as there is a tiny bump where the ankle is. It can walk but not well and walks on it's knuckles and has the sad sick chicken face. I gave it liquid vitamin B complext and poly vi sol only about 1 drop of each. I put a bandaid on food and leg to try and flatten the toes and give the ankle some added strength. I am thinking about getting a coffee stirring straw and bending it to make like a stiff cast to get it's ankle in the right position. Any other suggestions?
derformed chick leg.jpg
Her toes were already straightening when I retaped them last night and put her in the brooder alone for bed. unfortunately she died overnight. it looks like she fell on her back and couldn't get back up. Continuing to learn as always with chicken keeping!

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