Baby Chick

Boom Boom Chick

In the Brooder
5 Years
Jan 6, 2015
Hi Y'all,

I need some help with our new baby Clara who is 1week old. She is in the coop with Momma and our Roo is separated at the moment. The Momma and Roo will be 1Years old next month in July. I'm not sure when should I allow our Roo back in the coop with Momma and baby. They are Buff orpington bantam rooster and hen and so is Clara our baby chick. I've read all kinds of fourms on here and several people say different opinions.

Please let me know if you can give me some information. These are recent pictures of our flock.

BoomBoom Chick


Hi Y'all,

I need some help with our new baby Clara who is 1week old. She is in the coop with Momma and our Roo is separated at the moment. The Momma and Roo will be 1Years old next month in July. I'm not sure when should I allow our Roo back in the coop with Momma and baby. They are Buff orpington bantam rooster and hen and so is Clara our baby chick. I've read all kinds of fourms on here and several people say different opinions.

Please let me know if you can give me some information. These are recent pictures of our flock.

BoomBoom Chick



It is impossible to predict how an inexperienced/unknown rooster will act towards chicks. You could watch closely and observe his behavior. My advice is to keep the hen and chick separate from the rooster until the chick is on its own. The hen will do all that is needed for the chick to thrive

Keeping the chick away from the rooster will have no negative effect.
Clara is now 7 weeks old and doing excellent! I would like to know when do I integrate her and her momma with our rooster. The momma pecks at the baby and leaves her now like she doesn't want to be a mother 24-7. Howver, our baby will chirp and paces when momma is out with our roo. We let our momma out by herself with our roo to have time together out in the yard and take a break and then at time all three out in the yard together and there is no problems. However, I've notice that the bigger Clara is getting our Roo tried to dance for her. I dont feel she is old or big enough yet for h

is manliness. Any suggestions?

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