Baby Duckling With Dried Umbilical Cord! help!!


Apr 13, 2022
Hi! I have a day old duckling, he unfortunately is the only one from my 12 to hatch, he had a really long difficult hatch and is pretty weak. Any suggestions? He also was born in the leg over head mal position and his leg just spays out to the side, he tries to move around but seems to struggle. He doesn’t have enough strength to stand just crawl around. My biggest concern is his umbilical cord. It’s dry and he’s not bleeding but it’s still visible. Will it go away or do I have to do something to it? Please help I don’t want to loose him too!

OH NO! I don't know how to help with ducks but I am hoping someone will. Let me make some mentions so people that have ducks will see your post. Praying!!
OH NO! I don't know how to help with ducks but I am hoping someone will. Let me make some mentions so people that have ducks will see your post. Praying!!
Thank you!! I’d really appreciate it!
Hi @talkhorsesducks Welcome to BYC. What a beautiful duckling you have... How long ago was he born?
It would be best to find him a companion as soon as possible. And place a teddy and a mirror close to him until you find one...
He’s a day old hatched yesterday morning. Left in the bator over night. I have another hatch going on it’s day 26. hopefully I’ll get him a companion from that hatch. Any suggestions on his weakness? Leg problem or umbilical cord? Any help is much appreciated
Thank you!! I’d really appreciate it!

He’s a day old hatched yesterday morning. Left in the bator over night. I have another hatch going on it’s day 26. hopefully I’ll get him a companion from that hatch. Any suggestions on his weakness? Leg problem or umbilical cord? Any help is much appreciated
Make sure he has acces to good quality (full of vitamins and minerals little duckies need) food and water (maybe with electrolytes) deep enough to clear his nostrils but not deep enough to drown or get really cold.
Would you be so kind to share a picture of your setup?
Make sure he has acces to good quality (full of vitamins and minerals little duckies need) food and water (maybe with electrolytes) deep enough to clear his nostrils but not deep enough to drown or get really cold.
Would you be so kind to share a picture of your setup?
Yes absolutely. He has a good quality duck and goose starter, I used it last year for my ducklings and they are well and healthy. I was wondering if I should put straw on the bottom?


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Yes absolutely. He has a good quality duck and goose starter, I used it last year for my ducklings and they are well and healthy. I was wondering if I should put straw on the bottom?
If you have a puppypad or a (microfiber) cloth that would be better in the first few days. Otherwise straw is an option. Your duckling needs some structure to get some grip with his feet. Otherwise they indeed would slip to the sides.

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