Backyard Brahmas!!

aww looking at the pretty chickens and the baby brahma !!! all so pretty ... my babies are talking up a storm tonight .. they are still a little skittish ... but so pretty
Hi! I am happy I found this thread! I have five 81/2 week old Buff Brahma chicks. They are from a hatchery but I do not know which one- I ordered them through a local feed store that employs several different sources. And while the store orders pullets only, i'm sure I have a 3 roosters and 2 hens (!). Here is my biggest baby roo, Dharma at 6-7 weeks

He is a charmer already with a wonderful personality!

Here are my two lovely pullets, Twiggy and Clara, with two of their Aussie friends-
What are 'vulture hocks' and 'squirrel tail'? I've heard those words thrown around but don't know what they mean. I know vultures pretty well, being one of my favorite birds but I don't see any vulture in your rooster, lol.

And I've never seen brahmas offered at TSC. Seriously?
Squirrel tail - when the tail stands up like a squirrel's tail (although Rocky's tail features are gone in this picture). I couldn't find a good picture.

Vulture hocks - the group of feathers hanging off the back of the "knee." This is a big no-no here in the U.S., although in the United Kingdom it is desired. Notice the picture of Rocky above. He has a much cleaner look on his legs.
ETA: Sorry, I didn't see your response Sjisty!

Thanks for the explanation of vulture hocks and squirrel tail and thanks for the pictures. I see now the vulture hocks - that was the hard one to visualize for me. I get the squirrel tail. Interesting.
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random post of my handsome boy!
Good morning everyone! I can't believe it's snowing in mid April. At this rate, when the chicks come, I'll be brooding them in the kitchen. I can't seem to get in more than one day in a row to work on the coop/run. Hubby got the weekend off to help me, but I can already see nothing will get done.

Sjisty, even though I don't have chicks yet, you sound like I feel. The whole thought of culling horrifies me. They're pets, and I don't eat my german shepherds, either.
Thanks so much for explaining vulture hocks. Since I didn't know, I couldn't recognize them in any of the pics. Now it makes sense, finally.

Sk8inChick(in), is the chicken in the first pic wearing a vest?
She's looking at it like "does this make my hips look too big? That's darling!
ps. so glad you're here.

Silver1313 what's up with those 2 chickens in your avatar? Is it for real? I love it!

crazycluck86, Gorgeous young man! He isn't hatchery stock, is he? Is he also the guy you(I think it was you) posted on the other thread who was enjoying a stroll through the snow? So pretty!
If it was you, can you please post it here again? I loved that pic.

SD Bird Lady, I think I can speak for everyone here; Thank you so much for making this thread happen!

Hope everyone has a great weekend!
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Thank you vickis girls :) no I bought him from a breeder but he only cost me 10 gbp! He is such a gentlman and takes good care of the girls.i will try and post the snow picture again :)
random post of my handsome boy!

I love dark Brahmas! I only have one, and she's a hen. I had a dark roo named Glory. He was like a lap dog. He loved to be in my lap on the swing. He was also a thief. No one could eat anything outside - he'd snatch it out of their hands and run! I sold him (for a really good chunk of change) to a lady who absolutely fell in love with him. I was maxed out with roosters and he had to go. I still miss him!
Silver1313 what's up with those 2 chickens in your avatar? Is it for real? I love it!
yes it is lol that is tiny and daffy and until recently they lived inside ....and often they would climb up in the basket "swing " together and just roost lol i miss my inside boys but they both got hens recently and they needed more space ...although i am seriously thinking about bringing tiny back in and letting daffy keep the hens .. tiny is my baby and even has diapers lol and i am gonna need more room outside once the brahmas grow out ... that and well like i said tiny the terror is my baby
ty for the picture explaination .. both terms make more sense now ... not sure how my guys and gals will turn out when they grow more but i am not a show person anyway although i like this very vocal breed already lol

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