Backyard Brahmas!!

Just read your post, I must have missed it lol! They are isobel brahmas.....they seem to be twice the size of my other brahma chicks lol
Just read your post, I must have missed it lol! They are isobel brahmas.....they seem to be twice the size of my other brahma chicks lol

Does anyone else just love the grumpy stare it looks like Brahma chicks have?  I always love how they look like they are furrowing their brow because of their broad heads. I was so sad when the batch I got this winter didn't have that "look"!

Crazy cluck love the pic, what color will they be when they grow up?
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Just read your post, I must have missed it lol! They are isobel brahmas.....they seem to be twice the size of my other brahma chicks lol
I had to google it, they will be beautiful. I noticed all the ones on google had vulture hocks is that common with that coloration?
I don't understand why vulture hocks is a DQ , I think it adds character. Of course I am biased since my first Brahma Roo had them :)
I love vulture hocks too!! I think its a fairly new colour so maybe still under development, I no the pics on google are mainly bantam variety isobel Brahma, there are very few LF isobels :)
I love vulture hocks too!! I think its a fairly new colour so maybe still under development, I no the pics on google are mainly bantam variety isobel Brahma, there are very few LF isobels

I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks that vulture hocks look cool.
Our chickies are here! We got one light Brahma, which we have decided is our favorite already. Here she is with my daughter
This is my first experience with chickens. I have 4 light brahmas that are supposed to be pullets and 2 buff brahmas that could be either. I have read on this site (somewhere) that they mature slower and that roosters feather out slower than the pullets? Anyway, all of my brahmas are pretty much totally feathered out at 7-8 weeks but one of my buffs back is totally bare-looks like it might just be getting some feathers. The other has had feathers on its back for weeks. What are your thoughts? Roo? or when can you be sure? Thanks!
My buff brahma roo, the discerning features were that he was bigger than the others and his comb and waddles turned red much earlier...oh, and he started crowing at about 10 weeks, this funny little crow. That's it though. His feathering STILL looks roughly the same as the girls except maybe just slightly shinier but not very many, if any, hackle feathers and they're all 11 weeks old now.
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