Backyard Brahmas!!

Here's the one buff brahma I'm keeping out of the four that I hatched. Her legs and feet are black but that suits a buff brahma, I think, and she's very pretty. Her name is Poppy; she's 13 weeks old now.

My LB Suzy blue @14 weeks:) my fav chick in our flock.
Bird Lady, I was trying to see if allowing them some free range time would help with the introduction of our only 8 week old. Unfortunately nothing has helped:( they still chase, peck and jump all over her. It's now at the point where she try's to stay by herself which is really sad. I'm at a loss as to how to safely introduce her into their coop.
That is too bad. Our "mama brahma" was the only survivor from a dog attack earlier and now she is almost always by herself; even without her being chased. She is still top hen but likes to roam far and wide (ours are free ranged 95% of the time) and the younger ladies & chicks still stay close to the coop. I have 4, 10 week old California Whites 10, 3 week old light brahmas, and 4, 3 week old EE's all living together harmoniously with 3 ducklings (5 weeks). The chicks are replacements for those taken in the dog attack and the california whites were for variety and were still in the brooder so spared from the attack.

I was just curious about the swing set because if they were free range and left the playground alone I was going to see if you had the magic touch to keep them away and from pooping on everything.
Nope no magic here:) they seem to care nore about eating. Today they've been out for 4 hours so far. I did see our BR on the small picnic table earlier. Theses are out first and I'm SO in love.
Hi Brahma Mamas (and Papas)! We are new to chickens, bought 4 Buff Brahmas from the feed store back in April (send hubby for buff orpingtons on a suggestions, he returned with 4 Buff Brahmas). We lost one after a few days came to us with a twitch, named "Twitch". After we lost her I picked up a Buff Orpington to replace. My BO is "Lola" and the 3 BB were named by Hubby and 2 daughters. We have "PeeWee" was the smaller of the group and was called "Pecker" to start. Then we have "Freckles" has some spots and then our mystery bird "Brewster" I am hoping for Punky girl and not a Roo out of her. Here are some photo's would love any input. They are all so lovey with the exception of Brewster who is more skittish and is very slow to feather (feathers are still stuck in the sheath?) None have huge combs or waddles and are 8 weeks old. Here are some photos from the last week or so. TIA! Really praying for all Pullets.
Meet Brewster!

The whole gang (Brewster on the left beak down)


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